About Penny Thornton
- Articles: 8
- First: Apr 28, 2011
- Last: Sep 19, 2011
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Penny Thornton
Contributor, TMR
Covering Astrology, Psychotherapy
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Monday Sep 19, 2011 45:00 PM ET
He joins a huge club of men and women who, in the wake of an extra-marital tango, throw the former object of their passion under the bus.

Thursday Sep 8, 2011 30:00 AM ET
By trying to steer my husband out of the jaws of danger I had unwittingly sent him straight into them. But it was not his time to go.

Thursday Jul 28, 2011 25:00 AM ET
The union between Charles and Diana did produce an heir and spare, and it is William and his Catherine who are currently rebooting the monarchy and ensuring its survival. So, the purpose of their union and the promise of the marriage horoscope were fulfilled.

Tuesday Jul 5, 2011 45:00 AM ET
On the way back to my hotel, I found the words of Oscar Wilde coming to mind: "All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy..."

Friday Jun 17, 2011 00:00 AM ET
I always thought Catherine would be the jewel in the royal family's crown, and she has done nothing in the past 50 days to change my mind.

Sunday Jun 5, 2011 50:00 PM ET
LA-blah is a phenomenon known to many English stars and wannabes, and, indeed, many entrepreneurs, who have tried to make it in Hollywood. It is not just the fact that some talent simply doesn't cross The Pond but the difference in the way Hollywood wheels and deals.

Thursday May 19, 2011 20:00 PM ET
Is there something in the stars that caused Dominique Strauss-Kahn to so publicly self-destruct on 14 May?

Thursday Apr 28, 2011 20:00 AM ET
Indeed, were they to have consulted me about the wisdom of their decision to marry I would give them an A-rating and open a bottle of Dom P to their brilliant future together. They may even save the British monarchy.
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