About Nancy
- Articles: 31
- First: Feb 22, 2012
- Last: Aug 24, 2013
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Nancy Perkins
Contributor, TMR

Saturday Aug 24, 2013 40:00 AM ET
Here are five examples of high-profile tech executives who moved and assumed a similarly ranked position at another company.

Friday Aug 9, 2013 37:48 AM ET
Aesthetics are important, just not in the way you think. How well you treat yourself and how you are treated lies in how neat and clean you are.

Thursday Jun 27, 2013 35:00 PM ET
Being busy is just a state of mind. Even with a full-time job, I can still enjoy the good things in life.
Saturday Jun 22, 2013 20:00 PM ET
Do you dream of landing a job but don't have the experience? "Must at least have one year experience" is frustrating for recent grads or those hoping for a career change.

Saturday Jun 8, 2013 10:00 AM ET
Brilliant jerks perform extremely well, but they also tend to stunt growth in organizations. Here are a few pointers for spotting one.

Saturday Jun 1, 2013 00:00 AM ET
We get it—they're famous, and they have needs. But some of the celebrity tour riders have reached levels of infamy on their own.

Friday May 31, 2013 20:00 PM ET
Creative talent is now more valuable than ever, but many employers still don't understand it. Do you know how to handle creative workers?

Friday May 17, 2013 10:00 PM ET
They started as bizarre ideas. Now, they are viewed as one of the significant innovation for health technology.

Monday May 6, 2013 10:00 PM ET
Three new TV shows seem promising, offering new characters to love and more interesting stories to follow.

Friday May 3, 2013 25:43 AM ET
Adjusting to a new job may take some time, but it is actually not as difficult as you think. If you’re still sitting at the farthest corner of the office pantry and eating alone after, say, a month or two, then you’re probably in need of these newbie survival tips.

Wednesday Apr 24, 2013 20:00 PM ET
If you're having problems being productive while working from home, here are some tips to help you get organized and stay focused.

Monday Apr 15, 2013 20:00 PM ET
I am a creative. I say this as a release and not to sound arrogant. I used to think of the creative as a tortured artistic soul or a mysterious genius that nobody quite understands.

Thursday Apr 11, 2013 30:00 PM ET
These days, the burden of commitment can be more overwhelming than exhilarating. Shouldn't we find ways to alleviate it?

Wednesday Mar 27, 2013 05:00 PM ET
Smartphones have altered the way people communicate and spend the day. Unfortunately, owning a smartphone these days may also mean losing your right to privacy.

Wednesday Mar 20, 2013 10:00 AM ET
The third season of HBO hit series Game of Thrones begins on March 31. And by the looks of it, season three is going to be epic. But what is it about GOT that has gotten fans hooked?

Thursday Mar 14, 2013 40:00 AM ET
If the temperature is not ideal — whether it's too hot that you're sweating like a baller, or too cold that you can't feel your fingers — you're more likely to be unproductive.

Wednesday Mar 13, 2013 45:00 PM ET
How Moore's Law has spurred technological progress in America, and why observers say American technology is about to confront an insurmountable barrier.

Wednesday Feb 13, 2013 15:00 PM ET
You'd think that being a bit of a workaholic would make someone really suck at romance — but sometimes, it works (pun definitely intended).

Saturday Jan 12, 2013 10:00 AM ET
With so much of reputation management being done online, the ability to write well is now more important than ever. So why are writing standards so low?

Tuesday Dec 18, 2012 27:11 AM ET
So you've decided to leave your job. Are you sure that it'll go as smoothly as you'd like? Here's how to make quitting your job as painless as it could be.

Saturday Dec 15, 2012 05:00 AM ET
For many people, being promoted is considered to be a great honor. But more often than not, that's when things start to go wrong for them.

Thursday Dec 13, 2012 20:00 PM ET
Relax and enjoy the Christmas season by following these tips that will help you find the perfect tech gifts for your friends and loved ones.

Tuesday Dec 11, 2012 13:54 AM ET
The modern world has most certainly afforded us some major benefits, but as things rapidly become different and more convenient, there may be drawbacks.

Saturday Nov 17, 2012 55:00 AM ET
What is it with women who keep having affairs with their bosses? We all know it's a bad idea, but we let it happen all the time. Shouldn't we stop it?

Tuesday Oct 16, 2012 20:00 PM ET
There is still the beauty, pleasure, and desire of reading paper books in this increasingly digital world.

Saturday Oct 6, 2012 40:00 AM ET
Not too long after its advent, a lot of people have become very reliant on the mobile phone. It became a part of their daily routine. Will you go back to a life without it?

Sunday Sep 23, 2012 20:00 PM ET
Realizations of an x-year employee. What I have learned and, hopefully, will learn.

Monday Sep 3, 2012 00:00 PM ET
These days, we're expected to produce as much high-quality work as we can in a fairly limited amount of time. To do this, we need to strategize productivity.

Monday May 7, 2012 00:00 AM ET
Equality among men and women in the workplace has been hotly debated, and still is to this day. Are men really from Venus and women from Mars?

Thursday Apr 19, 2012 05:00 PM ET
There is always a never ending battle between work and life in a person's mind. But how can one achieve balance between the two?

Wednesday Feb 22, 2012 55:00 PM ET
Cosmetic surgery promises to perfect perceived flaws and forestall the natural aging process, but in removing any sign of time's impact, it can also rob people of self-esteem, self-image and even good health.
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