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- Byline: London, UK
- Articles: 33
- First: Apr 24, 2011
- Last: Feb 23, 2012
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Featured Column(s) Monthly Archives
James Clark
Columnist, TMR
Covering Paranormal, Folklore, Mysteries
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Thursday Feb 23, 2012 25:00 AM ET
Stephen Bassett of the Paradigm Research Group explains why it is time for UFO Disclosure and how you can help.

Wednesday Feb 8, 2012 10:00 AM ET
The newly honoured links between royalty and Greenwich in south-east London shine through the area's ghost stories.

Tuesday Jan 17, 2012 40:00 AM ET
A chat with Darren Mann, author and creator of the Paranormal Database.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2011 40:00 AM ET
Nobody knows more about Guildford's ghosts than Philip Hutchinson: paranormal investigator, author, and guide on The Ghost Tour of Guildford.

Thursday Nov 17, 2011 15:00 PM ET
Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince offer evidence of a link between Leonardo da Vinci and the Turin Shroud.

Wednesday Nov 9, 2011 25:00 PM ET
ASSAP's Maurice Townsend tells me about a growing problem in paranormal research and what's being done to fight it.

Wednesday Nov 2, 2011 20:00 AM ET
Beneath the stunning scenery the Caribbean islands are steeped in stories of the supernatural. The following tale comes from Grenada.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2011 25:00 PM ET
I try out the psychomanteum, or apparition booth, in the hope of seeing a ghost.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2011 15:00 AM ET
Not everyone has the luxury of enjoying zombies as fiction. For some, they are terrifyingly real.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2011 55:00 PM ET
Legend holds that Jane Seymour - third wife of King Henry VIII - returns each year to haunt Hampton Court Palace.

Tuesday Oct 4, 2011 55:00 PM ET
I recently had the opportunity to ask John Fraser about his experiences as one of the UK's leading ghost hunters.

Tuesday Sep 20, 2011 15:00 AM ET
The UK now has a professional body for investigators of anomalous phenomena.

Tuesday Sep 6, 2011 55:00 AM ET
The last known thylacine died 75 years ago this week, yet people continue to report spotting this supposedly extinct creature.

Tuesday Aug 30, 2011 45:00 AM ET
Has ghost hunting become too much like "Ghostbusters" for its own good?

Tuesday Aug 23, 2011 45:00 PM ET
Why do people assume "UFO" means "extra-terrestrial spaceship"?

Tuesday Aug 16, 2011 40:00 PM ET
It's been called Britain's Roswell, and it's back in the news.

Tuesday Aug 9, 2011 30:00 AM ET
The bloody Battle of Wilson’s Creek was fought 150 years ago. Many believe a supernatural echo remains at the site.

Tuesday Aug 2, 2011 30:00 AM ET
Should paranormal researchers be researching the paranormal at all? Should they, instead, be researching things that resemble the paranormal?

Tuesday Jul 26, 2011 50:00 AM ET
People experience St Paul's Cathedral in different ways. To me it's one of the world's most magnificent (allegedly) haunted houses.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Will the stories we tell about UFOs continue to evolve, and if so how?

Tuesday Jul 12, 2011 35:00 PM ET
You don't hear much about ectoplasm these days so I was startled to read recent claims by some German researchers.

Tuesday Jul 5, 2011 50:00 AM ET
The little people are big news this summer, and they are more frightening than you might expect.

Tuesday Jun 28, 2011 50:00 PM ET
A practical guide to protecting yourself against vampires. How have you survived so long without this?

Tuesday Jun 21, 2011 18:11 AM ET
Going to see Ghost: The Musical? Why not look out for some other ghosts while you're there?

Tuesday Jun 14, 2011 50:00 AM ET
Prince William and Kate Middleton may be secretly hunting ghosts on behalf of the British Monarchy.

Tuesday Jun 7, 2011 55:00 PM ET
When a paranormal research group reaches its 30th birthday it's a fine excuse to party.

Tuesday May 31, 2011 50:00 AM ET
With Captain Jack Sparrow entertaining cinema audiences in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, I thought I'd take a trip to east London on the trail of another pirate - this one of the supernatural variety.

Monday May 23, 2011 30:00 PM ET
A mass gathering of clowns may sound scary but scarier still is the ghost of Joseph Grimaldi.

Tuesday May 17, 2011 45:00 PM ET
Heads up, folks! If she keeps to her supernatural schedule then now's a great time to look out for Britain's most famous phantom.

Tuesday May 10, 2011 51:12 PM ET
Wartime security shrouds much in secrecy, and still obscures one curious incident that happened 70 years ago today.At around 6 p.m. on Saturday 10 May 1941, a lone Messerschmitt Bf 110 took off from an airstrip in Augsberg, Germany, its...

Monday May 2, 2011 33:37 PM ET
"Why would anybody want to be PM anyway?"I didn't ask that myself, but overheard someone recently during a debate on the coming AV referendum. (You know the sort of debate I mean: the drinks are flowing, grey matter is being...

Sunday Apr 24, 2011 13:56 AM ET
William and Kate really should keep an eye out for phantom wedding guests on Friday. History is never too far beneath the surface in London and sometimes the past can seem a little too close for comfort, especially when your route takes you through an area so steeped in ghostly legend.
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