About Hugh
- Articles: 40
- First: May 11, 2011
- Last: Aug 15, 2011
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Hugh Hart
Columnist, TMR
Covering Entertainment

Monday Aug 15, 2011 05:00 PM ET
The driver, troubled by the death of a racing buddy a few hours earlier, holds the screen like a bona fide movie star as the camera zeroes in on his face a few minutes before his final race.

Saturday Aug 13, 2011 20:00 PM ET
Tuesday's release of The Big Lebowski Limited Edition Blu-ray package offers plenty of reminders underscoring the film's quirky cult appeal.

Wednesday Aug 10, 2011 30:00 PM ET
The excellent new Jane Eyre DVD stars Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) and Michael Fassbender (X-Men: First Class), but like all the old versions of Charlotte Bronte's heart-melting classic, this adaptation serves up goth plot twists and gorgeous scenery as...

Friday Aug 5, 2011 20:00 PM ET
Movies rarely improve seven chapters into a franchise, but Rise of the Planet of the Apes proves to be a stunning exception to the rule thanks to a magnetic star turn by Andy Serkis as a super-intelligent chimpanzee. In this prequel,...

Friday Aug 5, 2011 25:00 PM ET
A new breed of Paris-based action auteurs don't have time for chit chat because they're too busy out-thrilling Hollywood at its own game.

Thursday Aug 4, 2011 45:00 AM ET
Ring-a-ding-ding, dig what Mad Men hath wrought: Scooping up 19 Emmy nominations this year for its fourth season, AMC's cable series about white men who smoke, drink, lie, treat women like chattle, and look really good while doing it has...

Wednesday Aug 3, 2011 10:00 PM ET
You never know which young actresses are going to deliver for the long haul. In the wake of Wednesday's news that the former Six Feet Under star will play Fanny Brice in a Broadway revival of Funny Girl, I count...

Tuesday Aug 2, 2011 45:00 AM ET
Spinning wild yarns culled from rural Kentucky's rural clan culture, Emmy-nominated Justified rekindles pop culture's intermittent fascination with poor white folks. Margo Martindale plays mean, tugboat-shaped matriarch Mags Bennett, who turns on her folksy charm as a country store...

Friday Jul 29, 2011 55:00 AM ET
Rachel Weisz stars as a crime fighter who exposes sex trafficking by her UN colleagues in this fact-based story.

Thursday Jul 28, 2011 05:00 AM ET
Cowboys & Aliens serves as a reminder that by least one definition, Harrison Ford is a true movie star.

Tuesday Jul 26, 2011 20:00 AM ET
That Kesey and company captured any usable material at all is a minor miracle, given the tankards of LSD-spiked orange juice they drank during their travels.

Saturday Jul 23, 2011 00:00 AM ET
In a data-drenched age, the fewer extraneous personalities to absorb the better. Throughout pop culture history, four-character enterprises radiate a certain magic unmatched by larger ensembles.

Friday Jul 22, 2011 10:00 AM ET
Oh. My. God. When actor Chris Evans steps out of a super-sizing contraption for the first time, there can be no doubt: Captain America now takes his place alongside Wolf Man, Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk as a movie...

Wednesday Jul 20, 2011 45:00 PM ET
Judging from the limited release of his new film The Perfect Host, David Hyde Pierce must be huge in Alaska, The indie thriller casts Pierce as a seemingly mild-mannered bachelor who reacts unpredictably when a bank robber on the lam invades...

Wednesday Jul 20, 2011 00:00 AM ET
It's time for for French actress Ludivine Sagnier to take a cue from crossover stars Audrey Tatou and Marion Cottilard and make a big Hollywood blockbuster.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2011 20:00 AM ET
Sunday night equals high quality scripted drama ever since HBO re-conditioned TV viewers to wrap up their weekends with The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Wire and Deadwood.

Friday Jul 15, 2011 55:00 AM ET
One can only imagine how McKinney's story would have unfolded had she been born 40 years later.

Thursday Jul 14, 2011 05:00 PM ET
If you liked November's Deathly Hallows Part 1, you'll also enjoy the rather grand finale that draws the curtain on the biggest movie/book franchises of modern times. Of course it's the same actors, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson,...

Tuesday Jul 12, 2011 20:00 PM ET
Flipping Out, which launched its fifth season on Bravo last week, casts perfectionist designer Jeff Lewis as workaholic Everyman coping with eternally vexing issues of loyalty, low standards, and wrist-slitting levels of traffic congestion, Like all compelling artists, Lewis, who...

Thursday Jun 30, 2011 00:00 AM ET
In Transforrmers: Dark of the Moon, opening Wednesday, LaBeouf's Sam Witwicky gives audiences an accessible, athletic Every Schmuck to root for...

Monday Jun 27, 2011 30:00 PM ET
The Texas artist who created "gig posters" for White Stripe concerts had an idea six years ago: why not make new posters about old movies? Recruiting creative-minded colleagues, Rob Jones and his team re-imagined Planet of the Apes and Repo...

Saturday Jun 25, 2011 30:00 AM ET
Here are four excerpts from Grant Morrison's Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human.

Friday Jun 24, 2011 55:00 PM ET
Fifty five years after the publication of Beat Generation bible On The Road, Jack Kerouac continues to inspire. This week, Android introduced its On The Road app tracing the cross-country journey described in Kerouac's mid-century ode to wanderlust. On the Hollywood...

Thursday Jun 23, 2011 55:00 PM ET
There's something about a movie scoundrel that demands affection. From George Clooney's witty deceptions in Ocean's 11 to Tatum O'Neal's precocious Paper Moon scams, con artists, like great actors, succeed by pretending to be something they're not. Two quirky new films add fresh spins...

Monday Jun 20, 2011 50:00 PM ET
Retooling Victorian-era decorum and Jules Verne's fantastical sense of adventure for the modern age, Steampunk subculture offers a polite counterpunch to all that's sleek and casual about contemporary life. As chronicled in Jeff VanderMeer and S.J. Chambers' new book The...

Thursday Jun 16, 2011 55:00 PM ET
Like every supehero movie, Green Lantern gives the best bits to the guys...And The Girl? Let's just say Blake Lively does the best she can with what she's been given.

Tuesday Jun 14, 2011 15:00 AM ET
Defying a half-century of talk show convention, Ferguson opens his nightly broadcast with just two unscripted minutes featuring an alternating cast of foul-mouthed puppets, gobsmacked audience members, and scantily-clad dwarves.

Friday Jun 10, 2011 30:00 AM ET
How about showing some love to the people who could really use a boost?

Thursday Jun 9, 2011 20:00 AM ET
"The weird thing about Super 8 is that it was not intended to be an homage to Steven Spielberg," J.J. Abrams tells The Morton Report.

Monday Jun 6, 2011 25:00 PM ET
When Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon created the sublimely ridiculous Reno 911 TV series in 2003, the show stood out as a masterpiece of raunchy surrealism funnier than nearly anything else on air at the time.

Friday Jun 3, 2011 20:00 PM ET
X-Men: First Class casts British actor James McAvoy as Ian McKellen's excellent successor in the role of suave mind-reader Charles Xavier 20-year old Oscar-nominated phenom Jennifer Lawrence brings genuine pathos to her shape-shifting Mystique character, portraying the blue-skinned mutant who only...

Thursday Jun 2, 2011 05:00 AM ET
Bravo's new Platinum Hit competition celebrates musical idiocy in action while NBC's hit series soars on the strength of its savvy judges.

Saturday May 28, 2011 10:00 AM ET
Amid the barbecues, traffic jams and airport pat-downs, it's easy to forget that Memorial Day is actually about remembering American soldiers who died in combat.

Friday May 27, 2011 20:00 AM ET
NBC's upcoming version of Prime Suspect raises hope that complex, credible women detectives will continue to flourish on primetime. However, the inauspicious trailer featuring close-ups of Maria Bello running wind sprints is grounds for concern.

Thursday May 26, 2011 45:00 PM ET
When I chatted with Helena Bonham Carter last year about her swell-headed portrayal of the Red Queen in Tim Burton's surreal Alice in Wonderland, the petite Brit actress with the tossed-salad hairdo insisted that the film's director, father of her two children, was not nearly as weird as his movies would have you believe.

Tuesday May 24, 2011 10:00 PM ET
The Biggest Loser feeds a ravenous appetite for so-called "aspirational" stories that inspire home viewers with the thought bubble: "If only I could pry myself off this couch and hire a slave driver with rock-hard abs who would push me to exercise and eat sensibly, I too could slim down."

Thursday May 19, 2011 15:00 PM ET
Holding court at a picnic table outside the studio screening room, Bay, dressed in baseball cap and tee shirt, offered a straight-shooting recap of his career up to and including Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

Monday May 16, 2011 05:00 PM ET
Last week started with bad marital news for Arnold Schwarzenegger and ended with $19 million worth of good news for Ashton Kutcher, who will reportedly get nearly a million bucks an episode next season to replace Charlie Sheen in Two...

Friday May 13, 2011 30:00 PM ET
When Dan Clowes wrote his withering black comedy Art School Confidential five years ago, the comic book auteur underscored his annoyance that success in academic circles relied largely on an artist's ability to spout high concept bullshit that would "explicate"...

Wednesday May 11, 2011 35:00 PM ET
In his new memoir, Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography (Henry Holt and Company), Rob Lowe spends less than half a sentence on his infamous sex tape scandal, but it turns out he's got weird showbiz tales to...
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