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- Articles: 77
- First: May 06, 2011
- Last: Sep 24, 2011
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Holly Thorne
Columnist, TMR
Covering Pop Culture,Technology, Weird News
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Saturday Sep 24, 2011 44:40 PM ET
It is time to open your mind to the readily available provisions that are right in front of you, even if you had never considered eating them before.

Saturday Sep 10, 2011 42:28 PM ET
When earth succumbs to fireballs flung from space, earthquake-driven-tsunamis, and radioactive flesh-eating zombies, records of modern society will cease to exist. If history repeats itself, then an adult film studio’s plans to survive the apocalypse will historicize ancient earth much...

Wednesday Sep 7, 2011 46:53 PM ET
Congratulations, you have lived through the apocalypse. While your diligent preparation has enabled you to survive through the initial hours and proceeding weeks of complete social collapse, eventually the time will come when you will be required to leave the safety of your fortified residence and venture outside in search of supplies.

Tuesday Aug 30, 2011 52:47 PM ET
While artificial intelligence cleverbots usually learn from "conversations," with real people, the Creative Machines Lab at Cornell wanted to see what would happen if two ChatBots had a conversation with each other. This video is proof of two things: The...

Monday Aug 29, 2011 18:20 PM ET
With earthquakes, hurricanes and tornados taking over the east coast, the world economy teetering on a precipice, and Justin Bieber hosting the first episode of Punk’d, which returns to MTV, it’s not a stretch to believe the end of days are upon us.

Sunday Aug 28, 2011 45:00 PM ET
All across New Jersey there were reports of flooding, toppled trees and massive power outages affecting nearly 500,000 households with as much as eight inches of rain expected to come. While millions of Jersey and east coast residents are sitting...

Wednesday Aug 24, 2011 13:23 PM ET
The man who is as much of a symbol of Apple as its bitten fruit logo announced today that he is stepping down from his post as CEO.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2011 03:40 PM ET
U.S. Geological Survey confirmed that an earthquake occurred in central Virginia at 1:53 p.m. It has been felt throughout the D.C. metro region and where I'm sitting 100 miles away. According to the Virginia Tech Geology Department, the largest damaging...

Thursday Aug 18, 2011 11:30 PM ET
Tom and Marie Morgan were walking along the edge of a tributary of the Lewis River with their six year-old daughter Taylor and family dog Maggie. As Taylor ran forward to throw a rock into the river, the bank collapsed and, falling into the rushing torrent, Taylor was quickly swept away.

Monday Aug 15, 2011 54:14 PM ET
Super billionaire Warren Buffett is investing $50.8 million (1.5 million shares) in one of the most inexpensive discount retail chains, The Dollar General.

Monday Aug 15, 2011 16:43 PM ET
An 11-year-old German boy called the emergency police line is his hometown of Aachen complaining of what he felt was forced labor.

Sunday Aug 14, 2011 19:05 PM ET
A purse thief in Brazil might have remained on the loose if he hadn’t lost his dentures.

Saturday Aug 13, 2011 45:00 PM ET
Farm bears receive a permanent hole cut into their abdomens for their gall bladders to be milked regularly. The holes are never closed and the bears are often fitted with iron vests to prevent them from maiming or killing themselves.

Saturday Aug 13, 2011 35:00 AM ET
The small town of Warren Pennsylvania, which lies near Lake Erie on the edge of Allegheny National Forest, is quickly becoming the latest hotspot for those in search of close encounters with alien life.

Friday Aug 12, 2011 45:00 AM ET
Today marks 30 years since IBM rolled out the 5150, its first personal computer with 64K of RAM, an audio cassette to load and save data, and no hard drive.

Tuesday Aug 9, 2011 15:00 PM ET
To assist British police with the worst looting sprees in decades now going for four days in London, Research In Motion (RIM), the Canadian company responsible for the BlackBerry offered to release encrypted communications of its British users to help identify the violent rioters.

Tuesday Aug 9, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Carl Sagan once said, "The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff."

Monday Aug 8, 2011 05:00 PM ET
Vegas is worth seeing once to take in the experience firsthand and rid yourself of the fantasies you’ve seen in movies, but for a relaxing vacation, do yourself a favor and go anywhere but Vegas Baby.

Tuesday Aug 2, 2011 36:48 AM ET
A new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality reports shedding tears is not actually the mood booster we once thought.

Tuesday Aug 2, 2011 10:00 AM ET
Margaret Shofner, an 80-year-old resident of St. John, Missouri, was in the midst of enjoying her Grape-Nuts with her granddaughter last week when an arrow shot through her kitchen window and lodged in her mouth.The arrow was shot by...

Saturday Jul 30, 2011 00:18 AM ET
As we all know, keeping up with the latest fashion can be a costly endeavor. We all want that 5th Avenue look but not all of us have a 5th Avenue budget. With a little creative effort, common household items can be utilized to create a look that will be the envy of your friends and guaranteed to turn heads. How much did it cost? That's for you to to know. In this week's handy fashion guide, we show how aluminum foil can be used to striking effect.

Thursday Jul 28, 2011 10:00 AM ET
Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek snapped his Achilles tendon early Tuesday morning while chasing a burglar from his San Francisco hotel room.

Tuesday Jul 26, 2011 08:36 PM ET
A South African man suffered an asthma attack Friday and woke up Sunday tagged and cold in a morgue refrigerator.

Tuesday Jul 26, 2011 50:00 AM ET
Adults with ADHD are four times more likely to be involved in a motor vehicle accidents that have nothing to do with ADHD-afflicted children.

Sunday Jul 24, 2011 56:43 PM ET
New York voted last month to take a step forward in the decades-long civil rights battle and allow gay couples to step forward together in a legally recognized union.

Friday Jul 22, 2011 50:00 PM ET
If Google+ continues on its trajectory, it will blow away its competitors in a matter of months, or maybe even weeks.

Thursday Jul 21, 2011 00:00 AM ET
Despite the website's disclaimer, "After contributing real money, buyers will not receive any tangible piece of art and will instead by presented with a written description of their purchase," someone still bought something.

Wednesday Jul 20, 2011 25:00 AM ET
When I was sent a link describing Terrafugia's contender for air-road hybrids, I clicked excitedly, only to see wings.
Monday Jul 18, 2011 15:00 AM ET
A small hermaphroditic miracle has occurred at the Natural History Museum in London.

Sunday Jul 17, 2011 40:00 AM ET
If you are preparing to pack a years' worth of quality time into one-week of travel with those you are obligated to spend time with, don't let running into a zombie deter you from having fun. Just remember to be prepared, travel light, check the backseat, and always double-tap.

Saturday Jul 16, 2011 10:00 AM ET
What is it about strategically launching colorful birds at grinning green swine that people have found so addicting? Charles Mauro of Mauro New Media, a 30-year veteran of usability engineering, has given a cognitive teardown of the game's success.
Friday Jul 15, 2011 20:00 AM ET
A study, commissioned by Smart Money and Redbook states, "All couples argue from time to time, and, in a general sense, it turns out we're all arguing about the same things." We probably didn't need a study to tell us that we present what is truly bothering us through superficial outlets such as being outraged at finding teaspoons in the tablespoon tray.

Tuesday Jul 12, 2011 55:00 PM ET
After a halt to further invites at the end of June, Google+ has brought back its invitations and experienced a minor growth spurt of about 2.2 million users in 33 hours.

Tuesday Jul 12, 2011 55:00 AM ET
If you also plan to succumb to the tablet rage yourself but have no idea what you are looking for, or which to choose among the hundreds that are on the market, start with narrowing your options.

Monday Jul 11, 2011 30:00 AM ET
Overcoming the fundamental inconveniences of current mobile phones.

Friday Jul 8, 2011 30:00 PM ET
While our chance to see a live launch has come and gone, the program has left a lasting impact and taught us a great deal, thus far, about conquering the final frontier.

Thursday Jul 7, 2011 00:00 PM ET
The potential for the social apps of the future is an exciting concept and hopefully the next “awesome” announcement will offer something new and useful, like teleportation apps, not another update to the Internet circa 2006.

Wednesday Jul 6, 2011 30:00 AM ET
Justin Timberlake plans to bring the sexy back to the long-forgotten Myspace, with one of the unsexiest things on the planet: talent competitions.

Tuesday Jul 5, 2011 25:00 PM ET
In what could be called a modern-day version of the Fireside Chat, President Barack Obama will be holding the first presidential town hall session using Twitter at 2pm EST on Wednesday.

Monday Jul 4, 2011 35:00 PM ET
Happy Birthday, America! Here's to more progressive upcoming years and less of your politicians emailing photos of their wieners.

Friday Jul 1, 2011 50:00 AM ET
Despite there being literally millions of social networking sites available, gamma-tanned teenagers, stalkers, and bored office workers worldwide were excited to hear that Google has now entered the social networking race. Literally hundreds of start-up sites appear each week and disappear just as quickly, but when an enterprise like Google announced its new social network Google+, everyone took notice.

Thursday Jun 30, 2011 15:00 AM ET
The first half of Tuesday's match started as a neck-to-neck competition until the U.S. scored two goals within 20 minutes in the second half. After the match, North Korea manager Kwang Min Kim revealed that during his team's training in Pyongyang the "players were hit by lightning, and more than five of them were hospitalized.

Tuesday Jun 28, 2011 18:18 PM ET
"For the past 50 days we've been disrupting and exposing corporations, governments, often the general population itself, and quite possibly everything in between, just because we could. All to selflessly entertain others - vanity, fame, recognition, all of these things are shadowed by our desire for that which we all love."

Tuesday Jun 28, 2011 55:00 PM ET
Until recently, only Harry Potter was lucky enough to have an invisibility cloak as scientists could only conceal objects at the microscopic scale, which, in my opinion, isn't really concealing anything if no one could see it in the first place.

Monday Jun 27, 2011 37:36 PM ET
If you have an urge to sucker punch your high school biology class partner for incessantly cultivating their Farmville farm and clogging up your newsfeed you can block them or, for an affordable $20, you can unleash the rage.

Saturday Jun 18, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Originally developed for bakeries where some products were too soft for human hands, the SWITL shows great potential in streamlining processes in meat-by-the sheet making factories; but how practical is it for home use?

Friday Jun 17, 2011 15:00 AM ET
Many of the classic Bauhaus, Art Deco, and mid-century designs previously only available at Herman Miller and Knoll are now in the public domain due to the expiration of their copyright protection.

Tuesday Jun 14, 2011 35:00 PM ET
Until now, apart from illegally jailbreaking your phone, which can cause a host of other issues; the exclusive agreements between AT&T and iPhone -- and most other service providers and phone manufacturers -- have prevented the option of swapping SIM cards, allowing your mobile to work with more than one carrier, also known as "unlocking" a phone.

Tuesday Jun 14, 2011 30:00 AM ET
Among the Angry Birds enthusiasts who are on course to clock up 1.2 billion hours of usage in the U.S., I am curious to know how many will break from catapulting wingless birds at cleverly stationed green swine in an attempt to get back their stolen eggs. So they can cook them.
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