About Gordon
- Articles: 4
- First: Apr 08, 2014
- Last: Sep 28, 2015
- « All Writers
Gordon S. Miller
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Monday Sep 28, 2015 35:00 PM ET
It allows each audience member to make what they will of what they see of Arcade Fire's artistic journey.

Monday May 4, 2015 25:00 AM ET
Available at a great price for fans, but I wouldn't recommend the show.
Thursday Nov 20, 2014 10:00 PM ET
This 12-disc collection is arguably the most important archive of American culture to be released all year because of the different backgrounds of the 200-plus guests and their discussions.

Tuesday Apr 8, 2014 30:00 AM ET
A book that allows readers the opportunity to see early conceptual ideas of new creatures and lands populating Tolkein's Middle-earth not yet seen in director Peter Jackson's work.
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