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- Articles: 124
- First: Apr 27, 2011
- Last: Jul 02, 2012
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Contributor, TMR
Covering Celebrity, Pop Culture

Monday Jul 2, 2012 00:00 PM ET
Katie Holmes has finally done the inevitable by filing for divorce from Tom Cruise, but the real question is: why does Tom Cruise continue to allow Scientology to ruin (and run) his life?

Tuesday Jun 19, 2012 58:52 PM ET
See what all the hoopla over Shia LaBeouf going "buff" is all about.

Saturday Apr 28, 2012 30:00 PM ET
Grab a cup of tea, or if you are feeling frisky something stronger, and take a journey with TMR as we look back at some of our biggest and best articles from our first year!

Wednesday Apr 25, 2012 00:00 PM ET
Happy birthday, TMR! While we celebrate our first year, I must also assess the realities of mixing noble goals with the harsh reality of cold, hard business.

Wednesday Apr 18, 2012 00:00 PM ET
The music industry is a perverse cauldron filled with an assortment of self-destructive, morally depraved, power hungry, deeply insecure, greedy and desperate individuals. To set yourself apart from the pack in the most negative ways, is a real achievement.

Thursday Mar 15, 2012 50:00 PM ET
As luck would have it, we are on the precipice of the most important drinking holiday of the year: St. Patrick's Day.

Tuesday Mar 6, 2012 09:11 PM ET
I thought I was done with the Rush Limbaugh slut spew, but with each passing day I stumble across commentary that demonstrates a level of ignorance at once both ridiculous and dangerous.To reiterate -- because obviously some individuals are simply...

Monday Mar 5, 2012 15:00 PM ET
I had every intention of writing a review of Lindsay Lohan's performance as host of SNL this past weekend, but frankly, it wasn't that interesting. Instead I found myself being sucked into the big black hole of insanity that is...

Monday Feb 27, 2012 00:00 PM ET
The good, the bad, the awkward, and the sublime: A round-up of the 84th Academy Awards.

Monday Feb 13, 2012 15:00 PM ET
One can only imagine the Grammy Awards producers' mad scramble to put together a meaningful tribute to Whitney Houston on short notice without distracting from the overall celebratory feel. From my perspective, they did a great job.

Thursday Feb 9, 2012 15:00 PM ET
I can almost imagine the heart-palpitating excitement and overstimulated joy that must have spread through the Gawker offices when the news hit of Jobs' death. One massive collective orgasm is what I am picturing.

Thursday Feb 2, 2012 55:00 PM ET
Social media sites are buzzing over a recent announcement from the non-profit Susan G. Komen breast cancer research foundation that they wouldn't be renewing their grant to Planned Parenthood. The decision, apparently a political one, has caused a ripple effect...

Wednesday Feb 1, 2012 40:00 PM ET
Sad news: Soul Train creator and music legend Don Cornelius has died. Good news: Snookie is NOT pregnant, however, is still very much alive.

Tuesday Jan 31, 2012 45:00 PM ET
Rather than delivering a humble, understated performance which paid homage to James, Aguilera instead used this opportunity to indulge her arrogant diva ways. At least she's consistent.

Monday Jan 30, 2012 55:00 PM ET
Before I settle into Fear Factor's decision to air an episode where contestants consume donkey semen, oh, and urine, please allow me to indulge in a little story...

Thursday Jan 12, 2012 40:00 AM ET
Beyonce and Jay-Z give birth, hit the charts, spend a fortune.

Thursday Dec 1, 2011 59:15 AM ET
Rumors are swirling that former Law and Order: SVU star, the hunky Chris Meloni, may be joining the cast of True Blood for its fifth season.

Monday Nov 28, 2011 45:00 PM ET
Sure, we can teach Spot to get the ball, or catch a Frisbee, and certainly Morris can master the cat box — but what about those deep-seated issues we just can't seem to comprehend? Fortunately, pet communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick offers a lifeline between our furry friends and their so-called masters.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2011 57:50 PM ET
We had the pleasure of participating in a conference call with Denis O'Hare, star of FX's American Horror Story and we learned a great deal about "The Burn Man" and his relationship to the 'Murder House,' Constance and Larry's ultimate goal with the Harmons.

Wednesday Nov 16, 2011 25:00 PM ET
What makes someone sexy? Is it strictly their looks? Is it an attitude? Charisma? Rock hard, six-pack abs? Or perhaps all of these and something more

Monday Nov 14, 2011 25:00 PM ET
There are rumors swirling that Sirius Radio host and media giant Howard Stern is in talks to replace Piers Morgan on America's Got Talent. Morgan announced last week that he would not be returning to the popular talent competition, likely...

Wednesday Nov 2, 2011 00:00 AM ET
The world's suffering through so much as we witness the crumbling of this sacred marriage, a marriage that was clearly orchestrated in the heavens, blessed by the Lord himself, touched by the angelic hands of cupid and his little cherubs

Friday Oct 28, 2011 30:00 PM ET
Halloween brings out the inner child in us all, and there's no better way to channel that than with hair-raising scares, frights, and terror on the big screen!

Tuesday Oct 25, 2011 17:50 PM ET
Is Prince Harry, third in line to the throne, really going to marry (or even seriously date) a commoner of such, well, commonness?

Monday Oct 24, 2011 45:00 AM ET

Thursday Oct 20, 2011 30:03 PM ET
Are you having difficulties in your life that only a Scientology app can help with? Boy, do we have great news for you!

Wednesday Oct 19, 2011 37:31 PM ET
Judge Stephanie Sautner wasn't in the mood for Lindsay Lohan's excuses during her probation violation hearing, even complaining that jail time in LA county was a joke, and few if any misdemeanor defendants were actually serving any time.Lindsay's attorney Shawn...

Wednesday Oct 19, 2011 11:48 AM ET
Zanesville, Ohio police officials have been very busy in the last 24 hours tracking down a menagerie of exotic animals, and sadly, putting them down.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2011 05:00 PM ET
Britney's new video for "Criminal" has steamy sex scenes... with her real-life boyfriend.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2011 15:00 PM ET
Shia is no stranger to trouble and freely admits to having a drinking problem, but he seems no closer to dealing with it than at any other time when he's found himself face down in the gutter, beaten to a bloody pulp.

Monday Oct 17, 2011 04:27 PM ET
Animals! They're just like us, sneaky bastards!!

Wednesday Oct 12, 2011 30:00 PM ET
Ashton Kutcher is truly as dumb in real life as all the characters he's played since he was 20.

Saturday Oct 8, 2011 25:00 PM ET
In truth, the ginger-hate movement is the last acceptable form of discrimination and I worry about the fate of our existence.
Saturday Oct 8, 2011 12:33 PM ET
If we could only have one ginger throughout history, it should be Lucille Ball. Not only was she a comedic genius, but she helped pave the way for women in entertainment. Besides being fabulous, funny and smart -- she was...

Thursday Oct 6, 2011 30:00 PM ET
"Uncle" Terry Richardson is like herpes, always flaring up when you least expect it.

Wednesday Oct 5, 2011 35:00 PM ET
Satan's making a list, he's checking it twice, he's gonna find out who's naughty... and joining him in HELL!
Wednesday Oct 5, 2011 48:17 PM ET

Tuesday Oct 4, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay... oh if I had a dime for every time I typed out that name I'd own my own island. Our favorite freckled mess of delusion has been on her extended European vacation for the past couple weeks,...

Tuesday Oct 4, 2011 43:42 PM ET
Martha Stewart is a MOMSTER!!! Oh, wait, no she's not.
Tuesday Oct 4, 2011 00:31 PM ET

Friday Sep 30, 2011 30:00 PM ET
America loves a good rags-to-riches story, but X-Factor's Stacy Francis may have done some revision on hers before making it to the big time.

Friday Sep 30, 2011 35:00 PM ET
When you feed the beast 140 characters at a time, how long until it grows beyond your control?

Thursday Sep 29, 2011 50:00 PM ET
We've taken the guess work out of that question that's been nagging us all: who has the best (natural) breasts in Hollywood.
Thursday Sep 29, 2011 32:24 PM ET

Tuesday Sep 27, 2011 50:15 PM ET
One down, four more to go. In more tabloid gossip news, Star Magazine's big cover story this week is that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are done, but not before squabbling over a $290 million divorce. Lainey Gossip covered the...

Tuesday Sep 27, 2011 16:31 PM ET
Jessica Simpson isn't smuggling a family of chinchillas under her dress, she's just pregnant!

Friday Sep 23, 2011 23:24 PM ET
After the audience sat through one too many awkward pauses, painful silence, and the rambling of a woman who was clearly on something, Delaney was escorted from the podium.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Brad Pitt is once again showing how much he appreciates his "dear friend" Jen, by continuing to embarrass her on a national TV.
Monday Sep 19, 2011 40:06 PM ET
Monday Sep 19, 2011 23:19 AM ET
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