About Chaz
- Articles: 15
- First: Apr 02, 2013
- Last: Apr 25, 2013
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April 2013
Thursday Apr 25, 2013 05:00 AM ET
The high definition restoration of TNG continues with this classic season, in which everything seemed to finally click. Includes four new commentaries and three hours of new video supplements.
Monday Apr 22, 2013 10:00 PM ET
This 1953 Palme d'Or winner was an early Japanese color production, now restored and looking impressively vivid and colorful.
Saturday Apr 20, 2013 45:00 AM ET
Impressive technical specs can't overcome a confusingly-told story in this special effects-laden martial arts action epic about a group of constables with supernatural powers.
Thursday Apr 18, 2013 40:00 PM ET
Journalist Touré takes a bold stab at explaining the allure of Prince and comes up with mixed results. Sure to spark debates among fans.
Tuesday Apr 16, 2013 30:00 PM ET
David Cronenberg's bizarre, hallucinogenic adaptation of William S. Burroughs' novel has never looked better, with mugwumps and talking typewriters looking terrifically grotesque in high definition.
Monday Apr 15, 2013 40:00 PM ET
This Paranormal Activity spoof isn't a comedy classic, but Marlon Wayans and company manage to pack in a good amount of laughs.
Saturday Apr 13, 2013 55:00 AM ET
For those who can't wait, this Mark Wahlberg vehicle was made available three weeks ahead of its Blu-ray and DVD release.
Thursday Apr 11, 2013 10:00 PM ET
Anything goes in this deliriously demented baseball comedy. It may be short on on plot, but there are a lot of laughs.
Monday Apr 8, 2013 10:00 PM ET
Available in both 2D and 3D on the same Blu-ray disc, the director of The Grudge is back with a scary giant bunny.
Friday Apr 5, 2013 40:00 PM ET
Undeniably creative, this adaptation of David Wong's comic horror novel of the same name is a jumbled mess of ideas.
Wednesday Apr 3, 2013 15:00 PM ET
Though thoroughly trashed by critics, far worse family comedies have been made. I quite enjoyed Billy Crystal's charming performance, an actor we haven't seen much of lately.
Wednesday Apr 3, 2013 40:00 PM ET
Short, sweet, and packing in a lot of funny gags, this Cartoon Network special comes equipped with an exclusive Darth Vader LEGO figurine.
Wednesday Apr 3, 2013 20:00 PM ET
A genre mash-up of science fiction, horror, conspiracy thriller, and action, this Brian De Palma film is big, fun, dumb mess.
Tuesday Apr 2, 2013 20:00 PM ET
Thirty years since its theatrical release, John Carpenter's adaptation of Stephen King's killer car novel holds up well and looks terrific in high definition.
Tuesday Apr 2, 2013 45:00 PM ET
Unfortunately for fans of this family-friendly baseball comedy, the anniversary edition is a repeat of the previous Blu-ray edition.
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