About Charlotte
- Articles: 52
- First: Apr 28, 2011
- Last: May 30, 2018
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Charlotte Germane
Columnist, TMR
Covering Royalty, Gardens
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Wednesday May 30, 2018 00:00 AM ET
When Megan Markle married Prince Harry on May 19, 2018 there were almost two billion viewers taking in every detail of her wedding at St. George’s Chapel, making the bouquet she carried the most watched flowers in the world....

Wednesday Oct 23, 2013 40:00 PM ET
Kate and William tweaked the baptismal traditions for Prince George in a few ways to bring the celebration into the 20th century. The next generation will have to bring it all the way into the 21st century.

Tuesday Jan 29, 2013 25:00 PM ET
It seems humane to allow a dutiful monarch to stand down at age 75, and pass the scepter to a well-trained, well-liked child. This time it will be King Willem-Alexander (put a tiara on him and you'd think he was Queen Bea). Not that he'll be able to wrangle any tiaras away from his charmingly jewel-oriented consort, Maxima.

Monday Dec 3, 2012 55:00 PM ET
The first and second names are the focus right now, with the world wondering if the late Diana, Princess of Wales will be commemorated in the names of her descendant.

Thursday Aug 30, 2012 15:00 AM ET
Diana was a person of great significance to her country and to the world. The campaign to minimize her in her country's history is shameful.

Saturday Jun 2, 2012 10:00 AM ET
A royal day indeed when no matter what you search, you find The Queen.

Monday Apr 30, 2012 30:00 PM ET
After a week of reviewing the triumphant first royal year of the Duchess of Cambridge, it's almost a shock to be reminded of the wedding day of the woman who would have been her mother-in-law.

Friday Apr 27, 2012 30:00 AM ET
We could all see that Kate Middleton looked lovely, coming down the aisle of Westminster Abbey on April 29, 2011. Now we know that she smelled lovely too, and it wasn't just from the romantically chosen flowers in her bouquet.

Thursday Apr 26, 2012 55:00 AM ET
Buy a slice of royal history. Someone in the inner circle of the royal family has decided to give up a special bit of memorabilia.

Thursday Feb 23, 2012 30:00 AM ET
With a warm smile Queen Elizabeth II made actress Helena Bonham Carter a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) at an investiture ceremony yesterday.

Monday Jan 9, 2012 30:00 PM ET
For her 30th birthday Kate has William back, a historic ring on her finger, and policemen to protect her.

Saturday Dec 24, 2011 00:00 AM ET
According to royal biographer Hugo Vickers, Prince Philip's father, Prince Andrew of Greece, died of heart failure and arterial sclerosis at age 62.

Friday Dec 23, 2011 00:00 PM ET
The photo of Diamond presenting flowers to Kate was one of the most touching of the tour. The young cancer patient watched the royal wedding on TV and sent a letter asking to meet the bride.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2011 35:00 PM ET
In choosing her black Alexander McQueen dress, Catherine seems to be pushing our psychological buttons once again, linking herself in our minds with Princess Diana and reinforcing her own image as an archetypal Fairytale Princess.

Wednesday Nov 30, 2011 40:00 PM ET
At a recent Buckingham Palace reception to Meet the Press, a first-ever Twitter room was set aside for mobile phones. Twitter's General Manager in the United Kingdom, Tony Wang, snapped the historic sign.

Sunday Nov 6, 2011 10:00 PM ET
Apartment 1A is a greater thing indeed, boasting 20 rooms on four stories and an expansive private garden. The residence should be able to handle any number of royal offspring and royal watchers expect this will be the primary residence of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for decades to come.

Monday Oct 24, 2011 25:00 AM ET
Not a wholesale garden redo (unless you want to let your inner Morticia Addams out), a few planters and window boxes oozing black foliage and flowers should do the trick-or-treat.

Friday Oct 14, 2011 45:00 PM ET
Duchess Catherine's dress choice offers an inside look at the royal couple's life together.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2011 15:00 PM ET
Like old fire horses that hear the clang of the fire alarm, royal watchers snort and paw the ground when the commemorative china is wheeled out.

Wednesday Oct 5, 2011 45:00 PM ET
In his most famous speech, Steve Jobs related the story of his own education, in and out of college, and gave memorable advice on how to live one's life.

Tuesday Oct 4, 2011 25:00 PM ET
Prince Albert has showered her with rocks since the wedding: tiaras that convert to necklaces, diamond sprays for her hair, fantastic gems in the shape of waves. All created just for his aquatic bride, in a watery theme.

Saturday Oct 1, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Buckingham Palace has nothing on the California State Capitol when it comes to Corgis.

Friday Sep 30, 2011 45:00 AM ET
This is what royalty is good for. William and Catherine showed sincere interest in the young cancer patients they met at the Royal Marsden Hospital. William is President of the hospital, a role he consciously took on to support a favorite charity of his late mother, Princess Diana.

Monday Sep 26, 2011 45:00 AM ET
More than just Prince William's Papa or Princess Di's ex, Charles is a power for good on the charitable scene. Never mind the soap opera part of his life, the Prince is actively engaged in vital social issues, and shedding light on looming ecological disasters.

Sunday Sep 25, 2011 45:00 PM ET
The Duchess of Cambridge buys a new frock to attend a wedding.

Friday Sep 23, 2011 51:13 PM ET
Prince William isn't even allowed to choose his own clothes. Who does? Her Majesty.

Monday Sep 19, 2011 50:00 AM ET
Meadows covers every possible surface in the garden with unexpected color. When she uses blue, for example, the color is not just in pansies and cobalt containers. She exuberantly paints it on walls, gates and cement walkways. She scatters blue stones between plantings and pulls in the blue sky as part of the garden composition.

Thursday Aug 25, 2011 45:00 PM ET
Watch the videos of the garden parties in London and Edinburgh, Scotland and choose which one you'd like to attend. Perhaps you prefer the sedate grandeur of the Buckingham Palace grounds? The earthy elegance of Holyrood House and its skirling pipes?

Saturday Aug 20, 2011 50:00 AM ET
"Surf's up!" is the motto for Tillman, the surfing English Bulldog from Southern California.

Saturday Jul 30, 2011 35:00 PM ET
No press were allowed in the church, but the 6,000 spectators in the streets got an eyeful of a herd of royals trotting in to celebrate the nuptials of Queen Elizabeth's oldest granddaughter.

Saturday Jul 30, 2011 20:00 PM ET
One of the oddball things in the horticultural world is that a lot of lavender flowers are called blue. Here's the trick to finding a blue flower: tell the nursery you want "true blue". Not purple, not violet, not lavender, not mauve, but blue.

Friday Jul 29, 2011 30:00 AM ET
Let's look back at the round-cheeked teenager who captured the hearts of the press and her country, with a gallery of photos tracing the progress of Lady Di from royal girlfriend to bride.

Friday Jul 29, 2011 40:00 AM ET
McLaughlin suggests, "An easy rule of thumb is to add about half carbon material (browns) and half nitrogen material (greens) to the compost pile. Make sure the pile is damp all the way through, and keep the air flowing by turning it once a week."

Friday Jul 22, 2011 55:00 PM ET
Even the perishables, Kate's bouquet and the wedding cake, have been recreated. In fact everything from the wedding is here, except for the groom, Prince What's-his-name.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2011 00:00 AM ET
Vertical gardening is the latest thing in garden design, and the authors of Garden Up! share their exclusive photos of walls and fences made magical.

Sunday Jul 10, 2011 45:00 AM ET
Kate's deep blue Issa engagement dress instantly changed Kate's public image from Idle to Idol by linking her strongly to Princess Diana.

Monday Jul 4, 2011 55:00 PM ET
Romance and Fresh Rumors Surround Prince Albert's Monaco Wedding: Is Royal History Repeating Itself?
The Prince and Princess of Monaco are reserved people but their feelings did break through with moments of clear tenderness between them, and they were evidently happy at the white-tie wedding ball.

Saturday Jul 2, 2011 00:00 AM ET
Princess Caroline's husband, Prince Ernst August of Hanover, brother-in-law of the groom, did not attend; there was a Runaway Husband, not a Runaway Bride.

Friday Jul 1, 2011 20:00 AM ET
She even got a peck on the check from Prince "No-Public-Displays-of-Affection" Albert.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2011 40:00 PM ET
This could be Charlene's "Too late, your face is on the tea towels" moment. Will she be another Princess Diana in a marriage for show?

Thursday Jun 23, 2011 15:51 AM ET
When the temperature spikes, set up a tray of iced tea and cucumber sandwiches, then drop in these DVDs and wander through some cool English gardens with Penelope Hobhouse.

Friday Jun 17, 2011 50:00 AM ET
Each faced challenges such as switching to a new language, giving up an impressive career, or dealing with a royal mother-in-law who'd been combing the Almanach de Gotha for a suitable blue-blooded (non-commoner) bride.

Monday Jun 13, 2011 55:00 PM ET
Do you have a guilty secret in your garden? Is it your side yard? Perhaps the decor there consists of a trash can and a yard waste container. Or, like mine, the prime feature is an air-conditioning unit.

Monday Jun 6, 2011 40:00 PM ET
Summertime means tropical plants, even for gardeners who have snow in the winter. Tropical container gardens in the sun announce that it's not horticultural-business-as-usual.

Wednesday Jun 1, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Sleek, comfortable and vegan, Ethel gloves make gardening a swanky experience.

Friday May 27, 2011 50:00 AM ET
Spring has sprung and summer is finally here! Kick off your Memorial Day with these fresh ideas in patriotic container gardens featuring Proven Winner plants and flowers

Wednesday May 25, 2011 35:00 AM ET
When the Obamas met The Queen at Buckingham Palace in 2009, the historically significant aspects of the encounter were lost.

Monday May 9, 2011 03:51 AM ET
Prince Charles can stop complaining that no one takes him seriously. His recent keynote speech at the Washington, D.C. Future of Food conference brought rave reviews as it was broadcast live on the Web.

Wednesday May 4, 2011 38:31 PM ET
If the royal performance moves like clockwork, a waving bride disappears behind the scenery and quickly reemerges as an expectant mother.

Sunday May 1, 2011 06:10 AM ET
Time to correct a myth about royal weddings. Yes, British royal brides do carry a sprig of myrtle in their bouquets. No, the myrtle does not come from Queen Victoria's wedding bouquet. You know we're all in mad royal...
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