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- Articles: 28
- First: May 23, 2011
- Last: Oct 04, 2011
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Calorie Ken
Columnist, TMR
Covering Smart Nutrition Q&A
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Tuesday Oct 4, 2011 15:00 PM ET
When I first heard about his new book, Body Confidence, I was a skeptical. Great...another hyped-up diet book that says it is not a diet book. I was wrong. Body Confidence is the real deal.

Tuesday Sep 20, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Donnelly reminds us that eating smaller portions of filling foods that are well-seasoned not only satisfies our senses, but also helps us find our swanky selves buried under all the padding.

Saturday Sep 17, 2011 00:00 AM ET
If we pay attention to the number of calories we and our kids are consuming, then we'll maintain a healthy weight and naturally occurring toxins and carcinogens won't matter.

Friday Sep 16, 2011 35:00 PM ET
Sixty teachers will win $750 for school supplies and $250 in Del Monte fresh fruit coupons for classroom snacks, ten schools will win a salad bar for their school, and many more winners will get a Del Monte Fresh Field Day event for their school!

Wednesday Aug 31, 2011 55:00 AM ET
Hunger at home is real, however, the crisis in America is not that people are starving, but that we are so blind to our food dysfunctions that even a respected news organization can't distinguish between bad habits and real hunger.

Friday Aug 19, 2011 50:00 PM ET
Each of us has a number, a target calorie intake for maintaining our best weight. Today. Tomorrow. Next year. Whether we are 18 or 80, we have a number that won't change much from year to year once we find ourselves in our adult body.

Thursday Aug 18, 2011 30:00 PM ET
I showed her the chart, and, when she asked what the increase meant, and I told her two pounds, she told me to get my skinny ass out of her sight and quit whining.

Saturday Aug 13, 2011 45:00 PM ET
Teach us how to eat better and help us have a good time doing it, but build the effort on a foundation of portion control and calorie awareness. Turn a blind eye to the metaphorical elephant in the room, and we’ll continue to be the embodiment of it.

Thursday Aug 11, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Being kind to the receptionist is more important on a daily basis than sucking up to the CEO.

Monday Aug 8, 2011 45:00 AM ET
In our First World of extraordinary plenty, the vast majority of us haven't a clue what real Hunger feels like.

Saturday Jul 30, 2011 15:00 PM ET
Tzatziki is a versatile dish that can be used as a sauce, spread, or dip. It's as cool as the cucumber in it, perfect for summer, and easy to make.

Saturday Jul 23, 2011 25:00 PM ET
Calorie Ken espouses balance, but balance is elusive. Most of us keep it between the lines, but some don't or can’t.The list of brilliant artists who died way too young is long. They created beauty and then left too soon.

Saturday Jul 23, 2011 00:00 AM ET
After topping off a greasy BBQ joint meal with a big bowl of ice cream, my husband sat across the table from me one night and bragged about his weight loss while I was eating a dry baked potato, green beans, and smoked chicken, not losing an ounce. I told him I wished I was a lesbian because if he were a woman, he wouldn't be able to eat like that and lose weight, and I wouldn't have to listen to him.

Monday Jul 11, 2011 25:00 PM ET
You have taken the first steps to a well-deserved new life, but now is the time to take baby steps, not giant leaps for mankind. You are losing 250 pounds of baggage by jettisoning a spouse. That's a great start!

Monday Jun 27, 2011 40:00 PM ET
Add or substitute high-fiber foods to your meals and snacks. Mix cereals to enhance the flavor. You'll never need a laxative or fiber supplement, and your only excuse for getting a colonic treatment is that you really enjoy having water shot up your butt.

Monday Jun 20, 2011 30:00 PM ET
Calorie Ken thinks you deserve a break today, and encourages you to have it your way and make your obsession with fries a healthy one. Own your obsession by making your own fries your own way. Slice 'em to the size of your liking. Season 'em to your taste.

Friday Jun 17, 2011 30:00 AM ET
Calorie Ken will be 101 on their 50th wedding anniversary, April 29, 2061. It's quite possible I could live to see it, but in case I don't, "Congratulations, Will and Kate! Thank you for 50 years of swanky love and leadership."

Thursday Jun 16, 2011 20:00 AM ET
Previously, Calorie Ken took a magnifying glass to the father of fast food French fries, McDonald's, and reminded you that their marketing message is "feel good about our food," not, "our food is good for you." Part deux is about size, as it really does matter.

Monday Jun 13, 2011 30:00 PM ET
I thought about cigarette advertising while working on this piece. After all, a cigarette and a French fry are about the same size and shape, both go in your mouth, and both can cause heart attacks.

Tuesday Jun 7, 2011 40:00 PM ET
Diets fail for many reasons, but one main reason is that we exchange real food for what we think we are supposed to eat instead of developing a healthy overall, ongoing balance that includes the occasional indulgence.

Friday Jun 3, 2011 45:00 PM ET
Dear Calorie Ken, Is there a magic cure for a preposterous posterior? Dawn in Ohio Dear Dawn, Calorie Ken loves Pee Wee's Big Adventure, and is particularly fond of this exchange between waitress, Simone, and Pee Wee as they sit in...

Wednesday Jun 1, 2011 30:00 PM ET
Our bodies are machines that need fuel 24/7, so, even if we stay in bed all day, we still burn calories.

Tuesday May 31, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Dear Calorie Ken, I recently completed the P90X work out program. In addition to P90X, I've been running 3-5 miles 5x/week. I have only lost 3 pounds, and I am wondering if you think I should have lost more weight.Kris...

Friday May 27, 2011 45:00 PM ET
For a green salad to be a good choice, you absolutely must know the exact amount of every ingredient, and the only way to know that is to make it yourself and measure, measure, measure as you do.

Thursday May 26, 2011 20:00 PM ET
Jenna in Jamaica Plain writes, "Dear Calorie Ken, Are you going to share some of your delicious recipes with us?" Sure, Jenna. In fact, as we continue this changing-our-world-one-calorie-at-a-time adventure, we will introduce Calorie Ken's $10 Tin Can Ten...

Wednesday May 25, 2011 40:00 PM ET
Nancy in Tennessee writes, "Dear Calorie Ken, Can you magically find the remedy for the tubby tummy?"Well, Nancy, once upon a time, a woman magically removed tubby tummy with something called "foundations," and no one knew her foundations or...

Tuesday May 24, 2011 35:00 PM ET
While jaw-wiring keeps you from eating solid food, it doesn't stop you from desiring it, and you can still suck more calories through a straw on a daily basis than you need.

Monday May 23, 2011 20:00 PM ET
Some of us were born to be skinny, some fluffy, and others somewhere in between. Regardless of what body type we have, part of being swanky is about fueling our bodies well.
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