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- Articles: 4
- First: Jun 06, 2012
- Last: Jun 27, 2012
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Wednesday Jun 27, 2012 20:00 PM ET
This week marks the first anniversary for this column in The Morton Report, and looking back at all the albums written about in Bentley's Bandstand, a small wave of joy is unleashed.

Thursday Jun 21, 2012 15:00 AM ET
There are fine, fine singers working in cites all across America, and sooner or later the ones destined for stardom have an uncanny ability of finding their way to that level.

Thursday Jun 14, 2012 25:00 PM ET
When King was on and bearing down on his blues, it was like he was taking a sledgehammer to the heart. And when he got the job done with a trembling lead run, King would often throw his head back and start shouting. That's when his audience knew he'd put it all the way in the alley.

Wednesday Jun 6, 2012 15:00 PM ET
The days when a singer could find some brokedown honky tonk and rustle up a few gigs here and there to learn their way around country music have pretty much disappeared. Now it's management deals, sponsorship opportunities, and licensing rights taking the lead, and the chance of getting a bloody nose from a jealous boyfriend in the crowd after the show are likely long gone.
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