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Bill Baker
Columnist, TMR
Covering Comics
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Thursday Jan 16, 2014 55:00 AM ET
Paul Michael Kane discusses the origin of Foto Grafis, a playing card deck he designed that features his photographs, and the Kickstarter campaign to support its publication.

Wednesday Jan 1, 2014 00:00 AM ET
Mark Wheatley details the reasons he and fellow comics creator went to the crowdfunding site Indiegogo to underwrite the preproduction work necessary to reprint their seminal graphic novel, Breathtaker.

Tuesday Dec 17, 2013 00:00 AM ET
Veteran artist and comics creator Mark Dudley talks about the Imaginos Plus! Kickstarter—a new anthology which features work from rising comics stars based in the Detroit metro area and beyond—he's spearheading, and what he hopes to accomplish with both the campaign and the book it supports.

Monday Sep 9, 2013 05:00 PM ET
Many of the world's masters of fantasy and science fiction art will be gathering for one of the most important annual juried shows held in their field, September 11-15.

Friday Sep 6, 2013 30:00 PM ET
Don McGregor discusses the long, strange history of Sabre: The Early Future Years project, why now is the time for the return of this important and influential indie comic title, and why he and his creative partners are launching the book via a Kickstarter campaign.

Monday Aug 26, 2013 40:00 PM ET
Robert Sodaro talks about the origins of The Owlgirls comic book series and the Kickstarter campaign to make it a reality.

Thursday Jun 27, 2013 00:00 PM ET
Producer, director and screenwriter Paul Bunnell talks about making his latest film, The Ghastly Love of Johnny X, why it took years to complete, and the reasons he shot it using black and white film, among other topics.

Monday May 13, 2013 30:00 PM ET
Co-author J. David Spurlock discusses his latest release, the heavily illustrated biography The Alluring Art of Margaret Brundage, Queen of Pin-Up Art, and the difficulties and surprising discoveries he encountered while doing research for the book.

Wednesday May 8, 2013 00:00 PM ET
CW Moss discusses the origins of Why Unicorn Drinks, the second volume to feature the adventures of his hapless signature creation, what he hopes his work does for readers, and his immediate plans for the future with The Morton Report columnist Bill Baker.

Wednesday May 1, 2013 05:00 PM ET
Animator Shaun Pitz discusses the origins of his short film, "Espresso Manifesto," why he decided to do a Kickstarter campaign to fund part of the project, and what he hopes to accomplish with the film in this exclusive interview with The Morton Report's Bill Baker.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2013 30:00 PM ET
David Sandoval discusses the origin of his epic fantasy comic series, The Tribulations of Abaddon, how he assembled the artistic team to bring his vision to life, and why he decided to self publish it using a Kickstarter campaign in this interview conducted by Bill Baker for The Morton Report.

Saturday Apr 27, 2013 00:00 AM ET
Elaine Lee and Michael William Kaluta discuss the controversies that surrounded their Starstruck comic book series when it was first released, why those aspects are of little concern in today's world, share some of their fond memories of the early days of their decades long collaboration and share some hints of what the future holds for the Starstruck Multiverse in this concluding half of their extended conversation with Bill Baker.

Thursday Apr 25, 2013 40:00 PM ET
Elaine Lee and Michael William Kaluta discuss the return of their creator-owned comic book series, Startstruck, why they're using a Kickstarter campaign to underwrite its publication, and the history of the long-lived project in this first half of their extended conversation with Morton Report columnist Bill Baker.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2013 15:00 PM ET
Shane-Michael Vidaurri discusses his first graphic novel, Iron: Or, the War After, how he created the story and art work, and why he chose to use animals to portray the characters in his cloak and dagger thriller.

Monday Apr 15, 2013 30:00 AM ET
Graphic novelist Travis Hanson discusses his latest Kickstarter campaign to fund the Adventures for a Lazy Afternoon art book, why crowdfunding is one of the most important developments in recent years, and his webcomic, The Bean, among other topics.

Sunday Apr 7, 2013 20:00 PM ET
Nimue Brown talks about her work on Hopeless, Maine, the webcomic-turned-graphic novel series published by Archaia Entertainment, collaborating with her co-creator and husband, Tom Brown, and what the future holds for the denizens of that haunted isle.

Wednesday Apr 3, 2013 55:00 PM ET
Artist Tom Brown, co-creator with his wife Nimue, of the Hopeless, Maine series of graphic novels, describes the twisted history of the webcomic turned printed book.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2013 20:00 PM ET
Comics creator and publisher turned convention promoter Cliff Galbraith talks about the second annual Asbury Park Comicon, detailing the guests, events and increasing popularity of this, New Jersey's only major comic convention.

Monday Mar 25, 2013 00:00 AM ET
Animator and first-time graphic novelist Moro Rogers discusses City in the Desert: The Monster Problem, her approach to creating her work, and the book's connection with Plato in this exclusive interview conducted by Bill Baker.

Sunday Mar 24, 2013 20:00 PM ET
Eric R. Gignac discusses the Kickstarter campaign to support the adaptation of Robert A. Heinlein's "A Citizen of the Galaxy" into graphic novel format, and details his hopes for future adaptations of the "don" of science fiction's other books.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2013 10:00 PM ET
Publisher Manuel Auad discusses the limited edition "Frank Brangwyn: The Way of the Cross" art portfolio, one of the most beautifully rendered artistic interpretations of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Thursday Mar 14, 2013 10:00 PM ET
Dick's Picks volume 26 by the Grateful Dead captures the original configuration of the band at the peak of the powers, says reviewer Bill Baker.

Monday Mar 11, 2013 20:00 PM ET
Award-winning cartoonist Rick Geary discusses A Treasury of Victorian Murder Compendium volume 1, the latest release in his highly successful Murder series published by NBM Publishing.

Monday Mar 4, 2013 50:00 PM ET
I first met Keu Cha about a decade ago, just after he accepted his first major assignment, penciling Witchblade for Top Cow. I still remember being blown away by his highly detailed, stylish approach to that character and her...

Sunday Feb 17, 2013 20:00 PM ET
Publisher and comics creator Tom Kaczynski talks about Uncivilized Books, the upstart independent imprint he founded, why he decided to release books by a who's who of alternative comics creators, and lays out the full slate of books scheduled to hit in 2013.

Thursday Feb 14, 2013 00:00 AM ET
Indpendent comics creator and publisher Gary Scott Beatty reveals the dark roots of Tales of Fear #1, his forthcoming horror anthology, how he created the stories and what he's trying to accomplish with the book, and his line of Indie Comics anthologies.

Wednesday Feb 13, 2013 40:00 PM ET
Celebrated comics writer and author Warren Ellis talks discusses his latest novel, Gun Machine, the difference between writing comics and prose, why he's chosen to work in both fields, and the reason he doesn't concern himself with what readers will take from his work.

Wednesday Feb 6, 2013 35:00 PM ET
Tom Kaczynski talks about Beta Testing the Apocalypse, a collection of thematically linked stories, how each story influenced the next, the writers and artists who have influenced his work generally, and much more.

Monday Jan 28, 2013 40:00 PM ET
Cinematographer and director C.J. Ashbrook reveals the origins of A Darker Gold, his first novel, and why he's left the heady realms of Hollywood behind for the solitary pleasures of a writer in this exclusive interview conducted by Bill Baker.

Monday Jan 7, 2013 45:00 PM ET
Award-winning writer Nancy Collins discusses the reasons behind the reappearance of her signature creation, Sonja Blue, why she's publishing it with the help of the Indiegogo crowdfunding service, and what makes vampires such enduring, perennially fascinating subjects.

Saturday Dec 22, 2012 50:00 AM ET
Emily Hurd talks about her latest release, Any Given Day, songwriting and performing, and being a self-described Christmas nerd.

Wednesday Dec 12, 2012 15:00 PM ET
Cerece Rennie Murphy discusses the first book in her Order of the Seers trilogy, a sci-fi thriller that takes place in a world controlled by a shadow government known as the Guild and their slaves, a group of humans capable of predicting the future.

Thursday Nov 29, 2012 25:00 PM ET
Ken Burns is perhaps the single best purveyor of a certain type of Americana, namely the long, detailed look at specific turning points in the history of these United States that illuminates how we got where we are today even as it sheds light on the specific workings of our cultural past.

Thursday Nov 15, 2012 20:00 PM ET
Award-winning cartoonist and diarist Gabrielle Bell talks about The Voyeurs, her work, and the delight she gets from mixing fact with fiction.

Wednesday Nov 7, 2012 40:00 PM ET
Comics creator Mark Wheatley talks about his latest project, The Return of the Human, an epic science fiction webcomic he and JC Vaughn created for the recently launched Aces Weekly website.

Friday Jun 29, 2012 05:00 AM ET
Joel Meadows talks about Tripwire at 20, a new collection the best interviews from the long-running comics and pop culture magazine mixed with new exclusive content, how the magazine got its start and developed over the last two decades, his new career as a photographer, and more.

Wednesday May 30, 2012 10:00 PM ET
Bo Hampton reveals the origins of Riven, an original graphic novel co-created with director-scriptwriter-teacher Robert Tinnell, why he prefers working with collaborates, and how he creates his evocative art in this interview conducted by Bill Baker, columnist for The Morton Report.

Wednesday May 16, 2012 50:00 PM ET
Tommy Castillo reveals the origins of his next major creator-owned project, The Darkside of Oz, and provides details on the forthcoming The Art of the Darkside of Oz collection.

Friday May 4, 2012 15:00 PM ET
Mark Wheatley talks about his latest projects, which include a contest and an original illustrated eBook, and gives a taste of things to come later in 2012.

Monday Apr 23, 2012 00:00 AM ET
Ian Anderson reflects upon the really big issues—sex, politics, and death—in this third and final installment of this extended conversation with Bill Baker, exclusive to TMR.

Thursday Apr 19, 2012 30:00 PM ET
Ian Anderson discusses the pleasures of playing live, the pleasant surprises his older songs offer him, and what concert-goers can expect to hear from his band, Jethro Tull, on their tour celebrating the 40th anniversary of Thick as a Brick and the release of its sequel.

Thursday Apr 12, 2012 35:00 PM ET
Artist Steve Lieber discusses working with Caitlin R. Kiernan on the Alabaster: Wolves miniseries, published by Dark Horse Comics, why he jumped at the chance to bring Dancy Flammarion to comics, and his creative process.

Thursday Apr 5, 2012 15:00 PM ET
Author Caitlin R Kiernan discusses Alabaster: Wolves, her new miniseries drawn by Steve Lieber and published by Dark Horse Comics, her decision to bring Dancy Flammarion to comics, why she's returned to the medium after a decade, and much, much more in this interview conducted by Bill Baker for TheMortonReport.com.

Tuesday Apr 3, 2012 45:00 PM ET
Ian Anderson, long-time leader of progressive rock band Jethro Tull, discusses the sequel to Thick as a Brick, playing the original in its entirety for the first time in 40 years, and much more in the first part of this extended interview.

Thursday Mar 15, 2012 10:00 PM ET
JR Han, the mastermind behind JR Comics and publisher of Wei Dong Chen's graphic novel Monkey King, is a man on a mission: to bring the classic works of Chinese literature to Western Readers in original graphic novel adaptations.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2012 45:00 PM ET
Silver Age comics artist Ramona Fradon talks about creating her first picture book.

Friday Feb 3, 2012 00:00 AM ET
Maria Pisciotti-DellaPorte, poetess and author of the children's book Magical Heart, discusses her creative process, how she chooses her next project, what she hopes readers get from her work, and why a recent revelation by her daughter left her speechless in the concluding half of this interview.

Thursday Feb 2, 2012 00:00 PM ET
Tony Rice's The Bill Monroe Collection from Rounder Records gathers the guitarist's exceptional performances of Monroe's music onto one outstanding disc.

Tuesday Jan 31, 2012 50:00 AM ET
Maria DellaPorte discusses the genesis of The Magical Heart, her first children's book, her poetry and writing process, and more in this first half of her conversation with Bill Baker.

Tuesday Jan 24, 2012 20:00 PM ET
Reviewer Bill Baker: The Grateful Dead delivers a double serving of transcendence with Dick's Picks volume 33.
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