About Alice
- Articles: 8
- First: Aug 29, 2011
- Last: Apr 19, 2012
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Alice Jester
Contributor, TMR
Covering TV
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Thursday Apr 19, 2012 50:00 PM ET
Actor Vik Sahay talks about his many recent projects now that Chuck has wrapped.

Thursday Oct 27, 2011 10:00 PM ET
Friday’s premiere of Chuck’s fifth season is looking to be most bittersweet for avid fans. The show is finally back, but back for its final thirteen episodes. Turns out, it isn’t just the fans feeling the sadness of the looming end.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2011 15:00 PM ET
Zombies done right. That’s what I think of when describing The Walking Dead on AMC. I’ve seen too many of the bad zombie low budget flicks on basic cable at late hours so I was originally turned off by the idea of a TV series.

Thursday Sep 22, 2011 40:00 PM ET
Meet Luke Schroder. Sure, he’s not a complete stranger to the Hollywood scene, having been spotted a few times at movie premieres and other events throughout the years alongside his famous acting dad, Rick(y) Schroder. Now Luke is 18 and...

Monday Sep 19, 2011 05:00 PM ET
Aside from being the only current show to star a female minority lead, the show's wild pace and complex story lines have both thrilled and exhausted audiences that tuned in every week

Wednesday Sep 7, 2011 55:00 AM ET
Who do you think of when you hear witches? Elizabeth Montgomery, Alyssa Milano or Melissa Joan Hart? Or are you like me and don’t take much to the pop culture versions, thinking more about old hags with crooked noses and...

Tuesday Aug 30, 2011 40:00 PM ET
Supernatural season seven. Has a nice ring to it, huh?For a die hard fan like me another season is very exciting. While heading to San Diego Comic Con this year, though, I realized I was still dealing with how season...

Monday Aug 29, 2011 45:00 PM ET
The CW's teen hit Vampire Diaries returns for its third steamy season in just over two weeks with "The Birthday" episode.“In the first episode Damon dies and he’s off the show forever.” Got your attention? That little “foiler” came courtesy...
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