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DVD Review: Rugrats: The Complete Series - 26-Disc Set
Over 67 hours of old-school animation, this set marks the first time ever that all nine seasons of the venerable '90s-era favorite have been collected together. Announcement: Words on Bathroom Walls Due on Home Video November 17
"If you can't trust your mind, trust your heart," as the teen romance story arrives on Digital on November 10 and Blu-ray, DVD, On Demand a week later. Directed by Thor Freudenthal.
Blu-ray Review: The Kitchen (2019)
Not sure went wrong here. Oscar-nominated screenwriter making her directorial debut. Cult fave comic miniseries as source material. Three great stars - Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish, Elisabeth Moss - headlining.
Blu-ray Review: 10 Minutes Gone
A heist thriller with two marquee names but not enough thrills. Bruce Willis is really a supporting player here to Michael Chiklis. Should've been more interesting.
Holiday Gift Alert! Now on DVD: Barry: The Complete First Season
Double Emmy winner (for star/writer/director/creator Bill Hader and co-star Henry Winkler) this HBO Original Series is funny and quirky.
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Over 67 hours of old-school animation, this set marks the first time ever that all nine seasons of the venerable '90s-era favorite have been collected together. Announcement: Words on Bathroom Walls Due on Home Video November 17
"If you can't trust your mind, trust your heart," as the teen romance story arrives on Digital on November 10 and Blu-ray, DVD, On Demand a week later. Directed by Thor Freudenthal.
Not sure went wrong here. Oscar-nominated screenwriter making her directorial debut. Cult fave comic miniseries as source material. Three great stars - Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish, Elisabeth Moss - headlining.
A heist thriller with two marquee names but not enough thrills. Bruce Willis is really a supporting player here to Michael Chiklis. Should've been more interesting.
Double Emmy winner (for star/writer/director/creator Bill Hader and co-star Henry Winkler) this HBO Original Series is funny and quirky.
On the Pop Culture Side
"On the Pop Culture Side" offers previews and reviews of current and forthcoming TV shows, books, and music. In addition, interviews with those responsible for this pop culture splendor will frequently be featured here.
AMC's Mad Men Returns on March 25, But Will Fans?
When AMC's critically acclaimed Mad Men returns on Sunday, March 25, it remains to be seen how loyal its viewers are. After a 17-month break, will fans return to find out how Madison Avenue ad man Don Draper fared after the drama of last season?

February 25, 2012 11:10 AM ET
The good news is that watching the performance made me appreciate the Todd material more than I had before, possibly because the show is definitely a show, something to behold.

February 19, 2012 8:40 PM ET
Ricky Gervais has never been known to be politically correct but with his new HBO series Life's Too Short, he may have managed to ace himself in the 'over the top, cruel and unusual punishment' department. Never has his humor been more harsh but you will probably laugh despite yourself.

February 18, 2012 8:30 AM ET
When Rosenthal was asked to travel to Russia to advise its people how best to adapt his show to their culture, he never anticipated the challenges he would face. In Exporting Raymond, his film documenting the experience, we are given a firsthand look at how how difficult translating certain truths to another culture can be.

February 14, 2012 9:30 AM ET
Melissa Manchester got her start in the '70s as one of Bette Midler's Harlettes, learning the ropes from the outrageous star. From there she went solo, writing songs that helped define the era of the singer-songwriter. Now Sony has released Playlist: The Very Best of Melissa Manchester, a rich compendium of Manchester's material.

February 11, 2012 6:20 PM ET
As the Cigarette Smoking Man on The X-Files, actor William Davis was a master at instilling fear into the hearts of viewers while giving them much to ponder about this complex, enigmatic character. Like the character, there are layers to the actor and much about Davis' life we never knew.

February 7, 2012 6:00 AM ET
Reluctant heartthrob Brian Dietzen talks about Jimmy Palmer, an NCIS milestone, and his upcoming film.

February 6, 2012 7:00 AM ET
Faulcon has indeed found his niche in life and getting work in his field has never been a problem. He's guest starred on popular TV shows like Bones, Boston Legal, and NYPD Blue and can be seen in such movies as Men in Black and American Beauty.

February 3, 2012 6:45 PM ET
The episode "Nobody's Fault" is a game-changer. It has taken everything we know about the character House and the series and brought them to a place we never thought we'd see them go (although we may have had our suspicions they'd get there one day).

February 1, 2012 8:15 AM ET
As first assistant director, Duque's job is a challenging one. He is basically the director's right hand man as well as the eyes and ears of the producers on set.

January 26, 2012 3:20 PM ET
HBO's highly anticipated new series Luck is set to premiere this Sunday, January 29 and with esteemed actors such as Dustin Hoffman, Nick Nolte, and Dennis Farina on board, it's hard to imagine that the show could be anything but a quality entry into the competitive world of cable television drama.

January 23, 2012 5:25 PM ET
The popularity of Netflix and Video on Demand has changed people's viewing habits, not always for the better. But WNET, New York's public television station, has made great strides in bringing back the old fashioned Saturday night triple feature with their Reel 13 series.

January 21, 2012 12:05 PM ET
Writer/producer Ken Bowser talks to The Morton Report about his American Masters documentary, "Phil Ochs: There But for Fortune," which takes an unflinching look at the singer's life, art, and the tumultuous era of the '60s in which he lived.

January 16, 2012 11:40 AM ET
From teaching actors the proper way to hold a scalpel to telling the writers what medicines would be used to fight off the Disease of the Week, Bergstrom is an essential part of the House team.

January 14, 2012 8:00 AM ET
Titus Welliver is one of those actors whose face everybody knows, even if they don't know his name. "I feel like I'm one of those retro '60s character actors," he told me during a recent phone conversation. "I think of the guys who were on my television every week on a different show. All of these great character actors who were the backbone guest stars on these shows."

December 20, 2011 12:20 PM ET
Charles and Ray Eames might not be household names but from 1941 to 1978 their work helped shape nearly every facet of American life. They were pioneers in the use of new materials and architecture.

December 18, 2011 9:25 PM ET
Jerry Lewis has worn a multiplicity of hats over his eight decades in the entertainment business. In the Encore channel's documentary Method To the Madness of Jerry Lewis, filmmaker Gregg Barson takes us on a journey through it all: from Lewis's early years with Dean Martin to his solo career as an actor, filmmaker, and comedy legend.

December 6, 2011 9:25 AM ET
Over the years, people would say, "Let's go in and make a new record of 'Put a Little Love In Your Heart' and 'What the World Needs Now Is Love'. Let's get an orchestra together and do it." That did not feel good for me. I couldn't get into that. I said the only way I possibly could do it is make it very personal.

December 2, 2011 6:10 PM ET
Jones took some time out from working on his Pennsylvania horse farm to talk with me about '60s rock, pop, and soul, and was not at all reluctant to discuss his feelings about today's music and the entertainment business in general.

November 28, 2011 1:20 PM ET
Richard Schiff's role as White House Communications Director Toby Ziegler on The West Wing won him an Emmy and a multitude accolades from critics and viewers alike. However, as an "actor's actor," Schiff is much more than this iconic role.

November 25, 2011 6:05 PM ET
Davi has channeled Sinatra's influence, utilized the opera training he had as a youngster, mixed it into a heady potion with his great love of music, and recorded an album that is a tribute to both his mentor and the Great American Songbook.

November 20, 2011 10:20 AM ET
Despite his success, the subject he most wanted to profile remained elusive for over 20 years. With no small amount of perseverance, Weide finally managed to persuade Woody Allen to agree to be interviewed and filmed, providing the basis for Weide's fascinating documentary premiering this week on PBS.

November 18, 2011 7:10 PM ET
Canadian actor Andrew Jackson has been named spokesman for the project and is proud to be part of it. He gave me his insights on the organization and shared his feelings on the importance of conservation and preserving our natural resources.

November 15, 2011 2:44 PM ET
Fan video artist gets noticed by the pros, proving the old adage "You never know who may be watching..."

November 14, 2011 4:45 PM ET
Like many other gamers, I've had a difficult time staying away from the game, so I was pleased to speak with Ellen Dubin of Napoleon Dynamite and Lexx fame, who plays Common Woman in Skyrim. Here is what she had to say about being part of Bethesda's latest masterwork.

November 13, 2011 8:25 PM ET
Their Jingle Bell Rock Tour kicks off the day after Thanksgiving on Friday, November 25, and runs through mid-December. "Right after Thanksgiving with the spirit of giving," Money says, "right through the holidays. Everybody loves Christmas. It's gonna be a lot of fun."

November 10, 2011 5:45 PM ET
To most people, the brand name Pepsi brings to mind cola wars with its arch rival Coca Cola. In CNBC’s documentary Pepsi's Challenge, we learn that the company's interests are surprisingly diverse, and battling it out for the soft drink crown is a mere fraction of what they do.

November 6, 2011 8:45 PM ET
Parker produced and directed the film Jake and Jasper: A Ferret Tale from a script by David B. Beleznay. It is the story of how a ferret helped a young boy through a tragic time in his life. For Jake and Jasper, Parker enlisted the aid of two other producers, 30 actors and 31 crew members, all of whom volunteered their time.

October 28, 2011 6:10 PM ET
"We always wanted to be honest, have a touch of reality to it. One thing we constantly kept coming back to in the writers room was not to think like modern people. In 1865, what would a character's attitude be toward native Americans? What would a character's attitude be toward a prostitute? What do you really think? How would you react?"

October 24, 2011 10:25 AM ET
The documentary goes beyond just showing clips and offering a glossy overview of popular television programs. It gets to the heart of its subject by speaking not only with those who have portrayed iconic characters and made them household names but also with those responsible for writing and producing these shows.

October 17, 2011 2:15 PM ET
His forays into first dramatics and then singing never allowed him to deny his social activism and the causes in which he so strongly believed. His mentor, Paul Robeson, assured him that Belafonte’s art would inspire audiences to want to know more about the man performing it. “Get them to sing your song and they will want to know who you are.”

October 16, 2011 4:10 PM ET
Eagle Rock Media and Rhino have documented these unique moments of television and pop music history with the release of both seasons of The Monkees. Sold separately, each set is a treasure trove of remastered episodes and special features.

October 14, 2011 6:00 PM ET
For those who crave even more Folds rarities, there is the Ben Folds Fifty-Five Vault: an online treasure trove of the artist's material, the majority of which has never before been released.

October 10, 2011 3:20 PM ET
In HBO’s newest drama, Enlightened, we are introduced to corporate executive Amy Jellicoe (Laura Dern), a woman who has, shall we say, issues.

October 9, 2011 3:05 PM ET
The DVD The Hollies: Look Through Any Window 1963 - 1975 is the first official documentary film covering the career of the band, and one that was issued with the Hollies full cooperation. The band's story is interesting, and it's nice to hear it told by the ones who lived it, but the real stars of this show are the historical footage and videos.

October 8, 2011 11:30 AM ET
She laments the passing of what she considers a purity of sound. "I remember there were so many people in the studio. That was fascinating. Just to sit outside the studio in the seating area before I put on the vocals and seeing all the musicians just playing live..."

October 4, 2011 10:20 PM ET
The main character in this grisly fright fest is the Harmons' new abode: an expansive Victorian we learn through flashbacks has a foul history of killings within its walls and body parts in its basement.

October 3, 2011 7:25 AM ET
With hit shows like Dexter and Boardwalk Empire airing the same night, it might be easy to overlook newbie Homeland, but make sure you don't.

October 1, 2011 5:00 PM ET
In HBO's acclaimed series Boardwalk Empire, Anatol Yusef portrays Meyer Lansky, one of the most notorious gangsters of the Prohibition era.

September 30, 2011 12:45 PM ET
RCA/Legacy is here to help the unenlightened discover who Elvis was before his name became synonymous with excess. They’ve issued Elvis Presley: Legacy Edition, which contains Elvis Presley and Elvis, the first two Presley CDs, available in one package for the first time.

September 26, 2011 5:35 PM ET
On September 26, one week before the start of House's eighth season, Odette Annable, who plays Dr. Jessica Adams, the newest member of House's team, and David Shore, Executive Producer and creator of the series, sat down with journalists for a lively, informative conference call. Here's a good-sized part of that conversation.

September 25, 2011 2:35 PM ET
Can a person who kills as a matter of course believe in a higher power?

September 23, 2011 10:35 AM ET
Their performance on this newly released DVD/Blu-ray is proof that regardless of how much time has gone by these guys still have what it takes to put on a great show. A documentary is included in this set, containing recent interviews with the band, promoters, fans, and journalists, but it is the performance that will keep you enthralled.

September 19, 2011 12:45 PM ET
Audio Fidelity, a company that prides itself in producing the very best quality audio on 24k gold discs, wants to you to consider choosing CDs again. They have released a series of classic recordings that might have you dusting off your Discman or home CD player and putting it back to work.

September 18, 2011 3:10 PM ET
In Good Graces the mix of light and dark is rendered with honesty, wit, and savvy, which is surprising when you consider the story is being told through the eyes of a ten-year-old girl.

September 16, 2011 3:10 PM ET
In the Season 8 opener of House, we find that the usually brash Gregory House has had a lot of the sass knocked out of him.

September 15, 2011 11:25 AM ET
On September 25, the Prohibition-era drama Boardwalk Empire returns for a second season, and from the looks of the premiere, the show has lost none of its luster. The powerful writing, acting, and direction that made it a breakout hit are still very much in evidence as it begins a new season of criminal mayhem.

September 12, 2011 4:55 PM ET
Leeza Gibbons is a woman who likes keeping busy and putting her time to good with with projects that are purposeful, enlightening, and entertaining.

September 11, 2011 2:40 PM ET
The show's writing is a strong mix of humor and pathos and smart, snappy dialogue that never sounds forced. Free Agents also comes from good stock. Based on the U.K. series of the same name, it was created by John Enborn (Party Down) and Emmy Award-winning director Todd Holland (Malcolm In the Middle)

September 9, 2011 1:25 PM ET
The competition is open to high school and college marching bands, and has over sixty-five schools already committed with over one hundred expected to participate.
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