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DVD Review: Rugrats: The Complete Series - 26-Disc Set
Over 67 hours of old-school animation, this set marks the first time ever that all nine seasons of the venerable '90s-era favorite have been collected together. Announcement: Words on Bathroom Walls Due on Home Video November 17
"If you can't trust your mind, trust your heart," as the teen romance story arrives on Digital on November 10 and Blu-ray, DVD, On Demand a week later. Directed by Thor Freudenthal.
Blu-ray Review: The Kitchen (2019)
Not sure went wrong here. Oscar-nominated screenwriter making her directorial debut. Cult fave comic miniseries as source material. Three great stars - Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish, Elisabeth Moss - headlining.
Blu-ray Review: 10 Minutes Gone
A heist thriller with two marquee names but not enough thrills. Bruce Willis is really a supporting player here to Michael Chiklis. Should've been more interesting.
Holiday Gift Alert! Now on DVD: Barry: The Complete First Season
Double Emmy winner (for star/writer/director/creator Bill Hader and co-star Henry Winkler) this HBO Original Series is funny and quirky.
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Over 67 hours of old-school animation, this set marks the first time ever that all nine seasons of the venerable '90s-era favorite have been collected together. Announcement: Words on Bathroom Walls Due on Home Video November 17
"If you can't trust your mind, trust your heart," as the teen romance story arrives on Digital on November 10 and Blu-ray, DVD, On Demand a week later. Directed by Thor Freudenthal.
Not sure went wrong here. Oscar-nominated screenwriter making her directorial debut. Cult fave comic miniseries as source material. Three great stars - Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish, Elisabeth Moss - headlining.
A heist thriller with two marquee names but not enough thrills. Bruce Willis is really a supporting player here to Michael Chiklis. Should've been more interesting.
Double Emmy winner (for star/writer/director/creator Bill Hader and co-star Henry Winkler) this HBO Original Series is funny and quirky.
Miss Music Nerd
Lone Geniuses or Remix Masters?
The other day while perusing the ol' Facebook feed, I came across a video link that had my fellow music nerds jumping up and down, responding with comments like "Yes, yes, yessss!!" It was definitely an "I'll have what she's...

July 1, 2011 3:15 PM ET
English composer Sir Peter Maxwell Davies Musicians proposes fines for concertgoers who fail to silence their cell phones. He may be a bit cranky, but musicians can't help being extra sensitive to sound--their brains are built for it!

June 24, 2011 12:35 PM ET
Miss Music Nerd has been trying to incorporate more exercise into her life of late. While taking a brisk walk the other day, I heard the sound of brass instruments wafting through the trees... Nerdy music follows me everywhere I go!

June 17, 2011 3:10 PM ET
No one ever said the life of a classical composer was easy...It's a depressing reality of the artistic genius biz that one of the best career-advancing moves you can make is kicking the bucket!

June 10, 2011 6:15 PM ET
Classical music performances are typically rather formal and understated affairs, with an unwritten code of etiquette that the uninitiated or non-compliant breach at their own peril, risking disapproving looks and murmurs from fellow attendees. Every once in a while, though, classical decorum breaks down, and chaos ensues.

June 4, 2011 12:10 PM ET
Did you know that surround sound dates back as far as the sixteenth century? It's true, but of course, it was done a bit differently back then.

May 27, 2011 12:12 AM ET
It's funny how music follows me everywhere I go, even when I'm supposed to be taking a break! I arranged to practice the piano at a local church, because music never sleeps and I have playing to do when I get home!

May 20, 2011 12:55 PM ET
Whenever I'm tempted to throw up my hands in disgust at the absurdity of "this ever-changing world in which we live in," I turn to music to make it all better. Here, then, are some classical selections to help us appropriately mock, I mean, mark, the occasion!

May 19, 2011 10:25 AM ET
Have you ever heard a piece of music that instantly felt familiar to you, even though you knew you'd never heard it before? I mean the kind of feeling you get when you make a new friend and immediately feel like you've known them all your life.

May 18, 2011 2:25 PM ET
I can never quite make up my mind about Gaga, which, I'm sure, is by design. Is she good-hearted and sincere or outlandish and superficial?

May 13, 2011 6:00 PM ET
When you hear the word "opera," do you picture a high-class affair in an ornate hall, attended by blue-haired ladies wearing furs, and featuring doomed lovers bellowing in a language you don't understand, backed up by a chorus of soldiers...

May 6, 2011 4:55 PM ET
Every once in a while, someone in the music world finds it convenient to proclaim that classical music is dead or dying, provoking others to argue that it is more vibrant than ever. It's a fun little debate to have;...
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