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DVD Review: Rugrats: The Complete Series - 26-Disc Set
Over 67 hours of old-school animation, this set marks the first time ever that all nine seasons of the venerable '90s-era favorite have been collected together. Announcement: Words on Bathroom Walls Due on Home Video November 17
"If you can't trust your mind, trust your heart," as the teen romance story arrives on Digital on November 10 and Blu-ray, DVD, On Demand a week later. Directed by Thor Freudenthal.
Blu-ray Review: The Kitchen (2019)
Not sure went wrong here. Oscar-nominated screenwriter making her directorial debut. Cult fave comic miniseries as source material. Three great stars - Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish, Elisabeth Moss - headlining.
Blu-ray Review: 10 Minutes Gone
A heist thriller with two marquee names but not enough thrills. Bruce Willis is really a supporting player here to Michael Chiklis. Should've been more interesting.
Holiday Gift Alert! Now on DVD: Barry: The Complete First Season
Double Emmy winner (for star/writer/director/creator Bill Hader and co-star Henry Winkler) this HBO Original Series is funny and quirky.
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Over 67 hours of old-school animation, this set marks the first time ever that all nine seasons of the venerable '90s-era favorite have been collected together. Announcement: Words on Bathroom Walls Due on Home Video November 17
"If you can't trust your mind, trust your heart," as the teen romance story arrives on Digital on November 10 and Blu-ray, DVD, On Demand a week later. Directed by Thor Freudenthal.
Not sure went wrong here. Oscar-nominated screenwriter making her directorial debut. Cult fave comic miniseries as source material. Three great stars - Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish, Elisabeth Moss - headlining.
A heist thriller with two marquee names but not enough thrills. Bruce Willis is really a supporting player here to Michael Chiklis. Should've been more interesting.
Double Emmy winner (for star/writer/director/creator Bill Hader and co-star Henry Winkler) this HBO Original Series is funny and quirky.
Letter from DC
Letter from DC takes a substantive – and often lighthearted – look at politics and public policy that digs deeper than sound bites and talking point manifestos. The insider perspective tracks the pressing topics of the day coming from Congress, the executive branch and its agencies, and the Courts and the means in which they are deliberated. Sometimes with an edge, sometimes with humor, Letter from DC provides a barroom understanding of the issues facing Washington D.C. and those it represents.
Letter From DC: Washington, "DC," and the State of the Union
Maybe Washington is a cesspool of political sludge, worthy of the criticism made by those most responsible for creating it. But sharing a fine lager at many a Capitol Hill bar demonstrated that D.C. is doing just fine, thank you very much. It's all those people in Washington that are the problem.

December 9, 2011 5:50 PM ET
The holiday parties are still occurring, yet they have become just as partisan as the city's noxious climate, extending the political divide between the two factions to simple acts of holiday season socializing.

November 18, 2011 6:45 PM ET
The "system" is clearly broken. Will it be fixed? Or, at the risk of escalating social unrest, its failings rationalized by those whom receive its primary benefits?

November 11, 2011 11:50 AM ET
The people, by an unprecedented margin, want no part of having their wireless phones inundated by robo-calls and veiled sales pitches. The "People's House," on the other hand, seek to rationalize a blatant industry grab. Be vigilant with that iPhone...

November 4, 2011 5:45 PM ET
When you get right down to it, Washington is like Glee's William McKinley High School, only with more money and more at stake. Just look at the political class's reaction to this episode.

October 27, 2011 3:50 PM ET
This prostrate-driven game of chicken also introduced an unprecedented tactic: the forceful and overt advocacy on behalf of its corporate benefactor by its talent, mainly "Sons of Anarchy" creator Kurt Sutter.

October 20, 2011 7:10 PM ET
The wireless industry’s approach is in stark contrast to the banking industry, which is fighting tooth-and-nail against regulation of an industry that nearly self-imploded save for government intervention and billions in taxpayer support, while at the same time its coffers swell.

October 14, 2011 2:30 PM ET
John Kennedy once infamously described Washington a perfect combination of “northern charm and southern efficiency.” Yet, as the last week has demonstrated, perhaps DC is more appropriately a combination of international parochialism and local sophistication….

October 7, 2011 12:05 PM ET
The pragmatic middle thinks that Charlie Fink should be able to earn and enjoy his millions and the pinko commies should be able to earn a living and enjoy life.

September 29, 2011 8:25 PM ET
The U.S. would be best served by a new found appreciation to the polite Northerners.

September 22, 2011 8:55 PM ET
“Who was that guy? And why the reaction?” asked DCPS administrators, Chancellor staff, and their philanthropic partners at the 2nd Annual “Standing Ovation” for DCPS’ 663 “Highly Effective” teachers held at the Kennedy Center this past week. “Mr. Mayor,...

September 16, 2011 11:15 AM ET
If the "poor" just quit their whining, stop having babies out of wedlock and stop their "erosion of the work ethic," maybe more than the half of them could afford a cell phone.

September 9, 2011 1:55 PM ET
One industry that should enjoy a bit of economic stimulus is ark builders. Washington D.C. and its Susquehanna Valley neighbors to the North have been absolutely pummeled by constant, heavy rain this past week to the tune of more...

September 1, 2011 4:45 PM ET
Those folks in Vermont isolated by the storm’s damage might have to get used to having food and water air-dropped by National Guard helicopters.

August 24, 2011 2:25 PM ET
The region has experienced a constant dress-rehearsal for the potential catastrophic event we are constantly warned about since 9/11. But once again we’re reminded: if something really goes down, we’re toast.

August 18, 2011 5:20 PM ET
It’s the sad tale that could be found in any hamlet in North America, or Europe for that matter, of an accomplished and somewhat eccentric woman whose need for companionship overruled her good sense, and ultimately, might have led to Viola Drath's death.

August 11, 2011 5:00 PM ET
You'd think that with the nation, and much of the world, going straight to hell, DC would be on edge and saturated with its sense of self-importance. Not in August.

August 4, 2011 3:55 PM ET
Most in Congress have thankfully left Washington for their home states and districts to “engage their constituents” (read: fundraise), taking with them the hot and oppressive air of the debt ceiling fight with them. There has to be a corollary...

July 28, 2011 5:30 PM ET
In its 8th consecutive effort to rebut the conventional wisdom that there are no hotties in our nation’s capital, DC political trade The Hill published its “50 Most Beautiful People” feature. It offers a bit of a glimpse on why the nation is in the state in which it finds itself.

July 21, 2011 2:20 PM ET
It was one of the finest and most honorable acts by the U.S. Senate in recent memory: to affirm one’s professional and legal credentials without regard to sexuality and with no drama. It also affirmed that body’s intentional mission to be the more deliberative, and less reactionary, of Congress’ two chambers.

July 14, 2011 1:40 PM ET
You literally can see the proverbial haze and heat lightning engulfing the U.S. Capitol as extremists play chicken over the extension of the country's debt ceiling to register their displeasure over a changing country.

July 7, 2011 4:40 PM ET
“Nobody goes down anymore,” said many a resident of the Capitol Hill neighborhood that has the dome as its backdrop. “It just isn’t worth the hassle.”

June 30, 2011 3:10 PM ET
"If it was just one candidate, we could write it off," said a senior Republican strategist committed to defeating President Barack Obama. "But this undisciplined goofiness is starting to make us look the gang that can't shoot straight."

June 23, 2011 3:10 PM ET
Salem Trad sees chauffeurs and Penthouse Forum sex where apparently neither exists. Congressional Republicans want local pork to fund rules they do not want to exist. Washington's a great town....

June 17, 2011 1:05 PM ET
Michelle Rhee has solidly positioned herself as the Sarah Palin of the education reform movement.

June 9, 2011 12:55 PM ET
DC internships ain't what they used to be, yet it's hardly surprising that the status of the once coveted resume builder is mirroring the community that offers them.

June 2, 2011 3:15 PM ET
"Better WD-40 that revolving door," a House Commerce Committee staffer smiled through dollar-a-Bud Lite night at a Capitol Hill watering hole. "Cash out time."

May 26, 2011 5:45 PM ET
Washington's K Street crew has been giddy with the recent spate of sex scandals facing many of the political class' high-profile figures. Georgetown's Café Milano is abuzz with the sexual assault charges against the DC-based IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn;...
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