Image courtesy of FAVI Entertainment
FAVI Entertainment has announced the availability from November of an HDMI stick that is intended to please anyone with a lower end or older HDTV who wants access to higher-end SmartTV features.
FAVI's SmartStick plugs into an HDMI port and gives the user access to Android apps via GooglePlay for media streaming, social networking and other services. One of the most appealing things about the SmartStick is likely to be the price, which should be under $50.
“We are thrilled to introduce this easy to use device for both work and play,” said Jeremy Yakel, founder of FAVI Entertainment “SmartStick allows for much more than a streaming video box, it’s your SmartTV, Home Theater and PC all rolled into one.”
FAVI names Netflix, Hulu, EPIX, HBO GO, YouTube, Pandora and Spotify among the media streaming services that can be accessed via the SmartStick. It is also said to work with apps for web browsing and for Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.
The SmartStick is powered through a USB cable that can attach to a USB port on the TV. It comes with an in-built memory capacity of 4GB and a MediaSHARE app that allows the user to access media on a DLNA server. FAVI has also produced a mini wireless keyboard with touchpad mouse that can be purchased separately for navigating the interface.
FAVI says the SmartStick will be available in the US from Radio Shack, Best Buy, Amazon and Newegg but hasn't given details of its availability in other countries.