Let's get down to brass tacks. Do you like Rosario Dawson? Do you like Katherine Heigl? Perhaps you like both actresses. Your enjoyment of the new thriller Unforgettable (not to be confused with the 1996 John Dahl-directed thriller of the same name) will likely be directly proportionate to your appreciation of these ladies. Unforgettable didn't get a lot of love during its spring theatrical release earlier this year ($15 million worldwide, ouch). But both Heigl and especially Dawson have some nice moments in this generally uninspired revenge flick. It gets a second chance to snag an audience on July 25 when Warner Bros. Home Entertainment releases it on Blu-ray (also standard DVD).
Craft brewery owner David (Geoff Stults) is marrying Julia (Dawson). He was previously married to Tessa (Heigl), with whom he had a daughter—the now-preteen Lily (Isabella Rice). Tessa is none too thrilled with ex-hubby re-marrying. She's especially miffed by the prospect of Julia being Lily's second mommy. The ever-conniving Tessa sets out to unearth any kind of dirt on Julia in order to ruin David's life.
Lucky for Tessa, Julia does have a dark secret: a ex-boyfriend Michael (Simon Kassianides) served jail time for abusing her. David knows nothing of this history. Now that Michael is out of jail, he's attempting to get back in Julia's good graces. There's no chance of that happening but, also lucky for Tessa, Julia has maintained zero online presence. Soon Tessa is spoofing a Facebook page for Julia, chatting online with Michael.
Guess what happens next. Unfortunately, if you've seen a few similar thrillers (or Lifetime movies, or Law and Order episodes) you'll be a few steps ahead of Unforgettable the entire time. No clever twists in sight. Denise Di Novi has had such a long, remarkable career as a producer it's hard to understand why she chose this to make her directorial debut (almost 30 years after her her production, Heathers). It feels like it was made for the small screen, so at least the Blu-ray edition has that going for it. Again, fans of its two stars should check it out. Dawson goes all-in as the constantly put-upon Julia. And Heigl seems to have fun playing the more one-dimensional ice queen Tessa.
Denise Di Novi audio commentary heads up the modest selection of supplements. While that track also graces the standard DVD edition, exclusive to Blu-ray are "Reclaiming What's Yours: Making Unforgettable" and a deleted scene (with optional commentary).

Lucky for Tessa, Julia does have a dark secret: a ex-boyfriend Michael (Simon Kassianides) served jail time for abusing her. David knows nothing of this history. Now that Michael is out of jail, he's attempting to get back in Julia's good graces. There's no chance of that happening but, also lucky for Tessa, Julia has maintained zero online presence. Soon Tessa is spoofing a Facebook page for Julia, chatting online with Michael.

Denise Di Novi audio commentary heads up the modest selection of supplements. While that track also graces the standard DVD edition, exclusive to Blu-ray are "Reclaiming What's Yours: Making Unforgettable" and a deleted scene (with optional commentary).