No stars, no problem. Director Andrew Thomas Hunt keeps the horror thrills lean and mean in Spare Parts. I don't recognize any of the faces of this cast. Frankly, the acting overall leaves something to be desired. But for those looking for gross-out, body horror nastiness, Spare Parts delivers the goods. The whole affair has the digital sheen of a modern low-budget effort. A bit of old-school grain, the sort that accompanied underlit, analog film productions of yesteryear, might've looked good on this cult-classic hopeful. But that's not the way filmmaking works these days, so it's okay.
A bunch of gals in a punk rock band get stuck in the middle of nowhere. Their assistance comes in the form of some typically backwoods, shady characters. But they're not cannibals or Satan worshippers. They're a different kind of cult. These sickos re-design human beings they've captured in order to make them more efficient combatants. They pit their Frankensteinian creations (well, not created from dead and reanimated—but rather, operated on in order to give them weaponry where an arm once was, etc) against each other in gladiatorial spectacles.
You probably already know if you're part of the Spare Parts target demo. It's brisk at 90 minutes and it provides a good jolt of inventive make-up effects and overall perversity. Go in with low expectations, come out feeling entertained for an hour and a half.
Director commentary, cast interviews, and fight training videos supplement the Spare Parts on Blu-ray (also DVD).
A bunch of gals in a punk rock band get stuck in the middle of nowhere. Their assistance comes in the form of some typically backwoods, shady characters. But they're not cannibals or Satan worshippers. They're a different kind of cult. These sickos re-design human beings they've captured in order to make them more efficient combatants. They pit their Frankensteinian creations (well, not created from dead and reanimated—but rather, operated on in order to give them weaponry where an arm once was, etc) against each other in gladiatorial spectacles.
You probably already know if you're part of the Spare Parts target demo. It's brisk at 90 minutes and it provides a good jolt of inventive make-up effects and overall perversity. Go in with low expectations, come out feeling entertained for an hour and a half.
Director commentary, cast interviews, and fight training videos supplement the Spare Parts on Blu-ray (also DVD).