Discovery Channel is nothing if not intrepid, forging into the breach with a special called -- bluntly enough -- Killing Bin Laden, a mere two weeks after the deed was done.
This Sunday, May 15th, at 10PM ET/PT, Discovery premieres a one-hour special that claims to provide a "comprehensive overview" of the bin Laden operation, code named Neptune's Spear, from the time an al Qaeda courier was tracked to the Abbottabad compound in August, 2010, through the risky covert operation deep into ostensible ally Pakistan, and the hasty burial at sea of the world's most dangerous corpse.
Available clips appear to indicate no new actual video from the operation is being revealed, but "simulated" footage of the operation is interspersed with actual stills from the scene along with commentary and descriptions from experts including NBC News' Chief Pentagon Correspondent Jim Miklaszewski, former CIA Operative John KiriaKou, Blackhawk helicopter pilot Michael J. Durrant, Lexington Institute military analyst Dan Goure, GlobalSecurity.org special ops analyst from Tim Brown, and Dr. Lawrence Koblinsky of John Jay College CUNY Forensic Science Department.
Fascinating details from preview clips including a description of the Seals' first glimpse of bin Laden, peering down at them over a third-floor stair railing, would appear to indicate a show well worth watching if only to marvel at the logistics of a complex job well-done.
This Sunday, May 15th, at 10PM ET/PT, Discovery premieres a one-hour special that claims to provide a "comprehensive overview" of the bin Laden operation, code named Neptune's Spear, from the time an al Qaeda courier was tracked to the Abbottabad compound in August, 2010, through the risky covert operation deep into ostensible ally Pakistan, and the hasty burial at sea of the world's most dangerous corpse.
Available clips appear to indicate no new actual video from the operation is being revealed, but "simulated" footage of the operation is interspersed with actual stills from the scene along with commentary and descriptions from experts including NBC News' Chief Pentagon Correspondent Jim Miklaszewski, former CIA Operative John KiriaKou, Blackhawk helicopter pilot Michael J. Durrant, Lexington Institute military analyst Dan Goure, GlobalSecurity.org special ops analyst from Tim Brown, and Dr. Lawrence Koblinsky of John Jay College CUNY Forensic Science Department.
Fascinating details from preview clips including a description of the Seals' first glimpse of bin Laden, peering down at them over a third-floor stair railing, would appear to indicate a show well worth watching if only to marvel at the logistics of a complex job well-done.