International Business Times
In an odd coincidence, as I went to type my email address into a search box that sorted through over 750,000 accounts hacked by LulzSec, my work computer crashed. After restarting I received a virus message, forbidding an Internet connection and access to any network drives. Soon after, the IT department stopped by to confiscate my desktop Dell. As it turns out the virus most likely came from searching for Lemon Party because someone told me it's a fun kind of party to have. I am currently waiting at home for FedEx to deliver my termination letter.
If you have not been tethered to your computer like the rest of us and have no idea what a LulzSec is, Lulz Security is a prankster hacker group that has claimed responsibility for compromising Sony, CIA, and U.S. Senate websites, among others, in recent weeks. LulzSec consists of six members whose motto is "Laughing at your security since 2011!" and its website, created in June 2011, plays the theme from The Love Boat, while describing itself as "a team of entertainment and security experts that specialize in the production of malicious comedic cybermaterials."
LulzSec tweeted its final release on June 25. With the "50 days of Lulz Statement" LulzSec assumed responsibility for its actions and described its motivation as fueled by promoting the AntiSec (Anti-Security) Movement, which opposes the computer security industry; not just for the lulz. While LulzSec have caused corporate and government security chaos in recent weeks, one particularly endearing statement seemed to describe that there is a message behind the mayhem, afterall:
"For the past 50 days we've been disrupting and exposing corporations, governments, often the general population itself, and quite possibly everything in between, just because we could. All to selflessly entertain others - vanity, fame, recognition, all of these things are shadowed by our desire for that which we all love. The raw, uninterrupted, chaotic thrill of entertainment and anarchy. It's what we all crave, even the seemingly lifeless politicians and emotionless, middle-aged self-titled failures. You are not failures. You have not blown away. You can get what you want and you are worth having it, believe in yourself."
Dazzlepod.com is providing the list of leaked accounts and a search box to check if you are among the LulzSec victims.